
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Pre-Task Briefing Report

Why and When Pre-Task Briefing is Required?

The expectation is that a verbal exchange of information always takes place before and after any job, whether in the field at the work location or in a more formal setting. Formal documentation might be created and maintained; it summarizes what was discussed and who was involved.

Pre-job briefings are expected before work begins and can take the form appropriate to the situation using the graded approach, from an informal supervisor-to-worker discussion to a formal, structured and documented meeting. The Pre-job briefing is the last confirmation of readiness before performing individual work activities/tasks and provides the job participants with a collective understanding of the task to be completed. Topics typically include requirements for performing the task, identified hazards and necessary controls, environmental impacts, facility conditions, emergency contingency actions, and individual roles/responsibilities.

Prepare, Conduct and Document a Formal Pre-Job Briefing the Fieldwork Supervisor or Person-in-Charge (FWS/PIC) who performs the functions associated with this procedure must have completed the FWS/PIC training and qualifications required by the facility or project where the work activity will occur.

The following key points must be keep in consideration while performing Pre- Task Briefing (PTB) for your site daily work activities:

  1. Safe access to work area-clean & tidy
  2. Sufficient/corrective barricading erected
  3. Adequate vehicles/pedestrian segregation
  4. Electrical equipment in a suitable condition
  5. Machine guarding adequate
  6. All tools/equipment pre-inspected
  7. Excavation in a safe and suitable condition
  8. Scaffolding tagged accordingly
  9. Gas cutting/welding equipment & hoses in good condition
  10. Corrective P.P.E (utilized & available)
  11. Safe working platform for working at height
  12. Safe lifting & Rigging equipment
  13. Correct tools/equipment available for the task
  14. Correct permits for application
  15. Permits valid
  16. Isolations required for energy source (LOTO)
  17. Competent and authorised personnel
  18. MS/RA-JSA available and communicated

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Pre-Task Briefing Report

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