
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Manual Handling Activity Assessment Format

Manual Handling

A manual handling task is one that involves any element of lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, supporting or carrying a load by hand or bodily force.

Any injury caused by manual handling can have serious implications for both employer and an affected employee. Manual handling injuries occur frequently in every workplace. Heavy loads, awkward postures, repetitive movements of arms, legs and back and a previous or existing injury can all increase risk.

What did We mean by Manual Handling Risk Assessment?

It is part of our duty of care to your employees. We must assess our work process and environment. It allows us to identify and address the risks of injury to our staff.

As well as the general requirements, the Manual Handling Operations Regulations also requires us to carry out risk assessments on manual handling tasks.

The regulation highlights the term manual handling as, “any transporting or supporting of a load (including load lifting, putting down load, pushing the load, load pulling, carrying or moving thereof) by hand or bodily force.”

With the manual handling risk assessment, we must take steps to avoid manual handling so far as is reasonably practicable.

This includes the provision of mechanical aids to remove or reduce the need for manual handling or a redesign of the work process to avoid the need for it. Where it’s not possible to avoid handling a load, consider a risk assessment for manual handling and put sensible health & safety measures in place to prevent and avoid injury. Where we can’t avoid manual handling, we should assess the task and put sensible measures in place to prevent injury.

Who is Accountable for Manual Handling Risk Assessments?

In the UAE, we as an employee, the employer, are responsible for risk assessments in the workplace. While we are primarily responsible for the health, safety and well being of our staff, we can assign a competent person whose responsibility it is to carry out regular reviews. This person will also help determine the effectiveness of existing risk control measures and suggest where new safety measures where needed.

How is Manual Handling Risk Assessment (MHRA) Accomplished?

This assessment aims to identify the risks presented in manual handling tasks and implement control measures to avoid injuries.

Four Main Addressable Areas During MHRA Process:

1.      Task:

You’ll need to assess the risks involved with each manual handling task. Does it involve any

twisting, stooping, bending, pushing, pulling or team handling?

2.      Individual:

Recognize the physical capabilities and or capacities of worker/employee while carrying out manual

handling activities. Remember to make special considerations for employees with known injuries or

disabilities. You may also require separate assessments for pregnant employees and younger


3.      Load:

Provide information regarding the weight, temperature, moveability, grasp capacity and more.

4.      Environment:

Assess the environment where manual handling will be taking place as it can play an important role

in making tasks more dangerous. Consider uneven or slippery flooring, lighting and ventilation.

After the assessment, you can take steps to reduce the risks identified by:

  • Implementing the use of lifting aids: hoists, forklift trucks, conveyors, load balancing devices, etc.
  • Redesigning work or work processes to eliminate the risk of carrying loads over long distances.
  •  Ensuring work processes do not require twisting, reaching or stooping.
  •  Eliminating the need to lift heavy loads from floor level to above shoulder height.
  •  Assessing the weight of loads that require carrying and if employees can move it safely.
  • Dividing loads into smaller, manageable components.
  • Ensuring that the paths of those doing any manual handling are void of obstructions.
  • Training employees in the best practices for moving loads and providing them with the appropriate clothing necessary to carry out manual handling activities.

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Activity Assessment Format

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