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The "Waste Management Plan," available on HSE Documents, provides a comprehensive framework for managing waste effectively and sustainably. Designed for worldwide HSE professionals, this editable and ready-to-use Word document outlines strategies for waste segregation, disposal, recycling, and compliance with environmental regulations. Tailored for project managers, engineers, and supervisors, it ensures streamlined waste management processes while promoting environmental responsibility. Download now to enhance your site’s waste management practices with ease.
Table of Contents
2.0. SCOPE
3.1. The site Engineer is responsible for:
3.2. The site supervisor is accountable for:
3.3. HSE Representative is accountable to:
4.1. Construction and Demolition Waste
4.2. Incineration
4.3. Inert Waste
4.4. Landfill
4.5. Proximity Principle
4.6. Recycling
4.7. Reduction
4.8. Waste
4.9. Waste Management
4.10. Waste Inventory
4.11. Site Engineer:
4.12. HSE Lead:
6.1. General Classification of Waste:
6.2. Domestic waste
6.3. Non-hazardous industrial and commercial waste
6.4. Hazardous waste
This procedure ensures that waste generated from construction activities is effectively identified, segregated, collected, handled, and disposed of as per the defined frequency.
2.0. SCOPE
This procedure applies to all types of waste produced and disposed at sites and is in line with the corporate level EPA Waste Management procedure.
3.1. Site Engineer is responsible to:
3.1.1. Implement this procedure on site
3.1.2. Ensure all legal regulatory and contractual obligations related to waste are implemented
3.1.3. Communicate procedural requirements to his staff/employee and ensure their implementation
3.1.4. Implementing the requirements of this document and ensuring that all wastes are managed safely and environmentally acceptable.
3.1.5. Selection of EPA-approved hazardous waste management contractor and ensure waste disposal certificate of hazardous waste in an environment-friendly manner.
3.1.6. Receiving of receipt of handing over of non-hazardous waste to Municipality.
3.1.7. Ensure the documentation is in place to track wastes from point of generation to final disposal
3.2. Site supervisor is responsible to:
3.2.1. Assists Site Engineer
3.2.2. Ensure that wastes are properly segregated, stored, transported, and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
3.3. HSE Representative is responsible to:
3.3.1. Provide technical support and advice on the interpretation and implementation of this procedure
3.3.2. Reviewing/updating/revising this procedure in light of experience gained advancements of waste management service providers in the local market, lessons learned, and inputs.
3.3.3. To conduct the training sessions to make the workers fully aware of this procedure.
3.3.4. Generate reports and maintain all documentation about waste.
4.1. Construction and Demolition Waste
4.1.1. Waste arising from construction, repair, maintenance, and demolition of buildings and structures.
4.2. Incineration
4.2.1. The controlled combustion of waste to reduce its volume or toxicity
4.3. Inert Waste
4.3.1. Waste that, when deposited into a waste disposal site, does not undergo any significant physical, chemical, or biological transformation.
4.4. Landfill
4.4.1. Area of land, typically a void from previous mining or quarrying, or specifically engineered, in which waste is deposited. In areas where there is no available void, the process is referred to as land rising and waste is deposited on the land surface.
4.5. Proximity Principle
4.5.1. The Principle that waste must generally be disposed of as near to the place of production as possible.
4.6. Recycling
4.6.1. The reprocessing of waste into the same or a different product typical recyclable wastes include glass, paper, plastics, etc.
4.7. Reduction
4.7.1. Process of reducing the quantity of waste produced through the review of operational practices and optimal use of raw materials.
4.8. Waste
4.8.1. Wide-ranging terms taken to include any scrap material, effluent, or unwanted surplus substance or article that requires to be disposed of Explosive and radioactive wastes are excluded.
Non-Hazardous Industrial and Commercial Waste
4.8.2. Non-hazardous wastes include inert construction wastes such as glass, scrap metal, used containers, etc. These materials generally pose little risk to the environment and can be disposed of at appointed waste locations or normal municipality facilities.
Hazardous Waste
4.8.3. Hazards wastes are those wastes which by their concentration of constituents and characteristics (such as ignitibility, corrosiveness, reactivity, toxicity, etc.) pose a hazard to humans or the environment if not properly treated, stored, disposed of, or managed.
4.9. Waste Management
4.9.1. A system that addresses the issues related to waste minimization, generation, segregation, transport, disposal, and monitoring.
4.10. Waste Inventory
4.10.1. Document identifying all sources of waste generated by a facility.
4.11. Site Engineer:
4.11.1. [COMPANY] Representative on-site supervising activities
4.12. HSE Lead:
4.12.1. [COMPANY] Representative on site responsible for HSE systems
HSSE: Health, Safety, Security & Environment
PR: Procedure
FM: Form
PR: Procedure
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
6.1. General Classification of Waste:
Waste is defined as any substance or object that the producer or the person in possession of it intends or is required to discard. The term includes scrap material, effluent, or unwanted surplus substances or articles that require to be disposed of because they are broken, worn out, contaminated, or otherwise spoiled. Construction waste is typically classified into the following two categories:
I. Domestic waste
II. Non-hazardous industrial and commercial waste
III. Hazardous waste
6.2. Domestic waste
This includes wastes such as water (Toilet waste), Grey water (Shower, Bath, hand basins, clothes washing machine laundry troughs, and the kitchen)
6.3. Non-hazardous industrial and commercial waste
This includes wastes such as (but not limited to) Empty cement bags, Excavated soil, Construction debris, Mechanical Scrap, plastic waste, Food waste, etc.
6.4. Hazardous waste
This includes wastes such as (but is not limited to) used lube oil, paints empty cans filters, etc.
All types of solid wastes are properly segregated in color-coded / labeled drums for identification. Segregation is preferable to be done as close as possible to the source of generation.
As per EPA policy, different color coding will be used for waste segregation. Empty drums in good physical condition are normally used at sites.
- Red for Hazardous & Flammable
- Green for Metal & Glass
- Blue for household & Food
- Black for Paper & cardboard
Waste materials generated by construction activities normally require some form of temporary storage, till final disposal. Allied contractors ensure that suitable and sufficient temporary storage is provided to accommodate waste from their activities. The maximum retention time for temporary storage of waste is decided by the Site Engineer keeping in view waste generation frequency and its posed risks.
On-site [COMPANY], a waste storage area is designated where wastes are stored till final disposal. The area is clearly displayed at a prominent location indicating “Waste Storage Area”.
In waste storage, waste is segregated into Hazardous and Non-Hazardous, with clear markings on all receptacles specifying which type of waste they contain.
Liquid waste will be handled and stored in a manner that will not cause leakage, spillage, or damage to the container as well as a waste storage area.
The waste storage area(s) are controlled by a designated Responsible Person who has the following duties:
- Ensuring that wastes are being collected and placed in the correct area.
- Ensuring all wastes are properly segregated, stored, and labeled.
- Regular inspection of the area to ensure the integrity of all waste storage.
- Security and cleanliness of the storage area.
During the handling and storage of waste, incompatible wastes are separated. Flammable/Combustible substances must be kept separate from sources of ignition/oxidizing agents.
Site Engineer in coordination with HSE rep will evaluate the overall effectiveness of this procedure on a two-monthly basis.
HSE representative will arrange the training sessions to make the workers fully aware of this procedure.
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