

Monday, September 9, 2024



Sub-Activities & Identified Hazards 

1. Prepare the work area

  • Unauthorized, untrained workers

2. Manual Handling

  • Incorrect lifting of loads
  • Sharp edges.
  • Placing the object while fingers are underneath.
  • Slip/trip/fall (same level)
  • Unsafe posture

3. Traffic and road management

  • Collision with vehicles
  • Poor identification
  • Unauthorized/ untrained Operator/ driver, bank men
  • Poor access to vehicle
  • Public movement

4. Unloading and shifting panels and accessories using a crane and forklift

  • Unauthorized, Untrained Workers
  • Failure of lifting tools & tackles.
  • Failure of lifting equipment.
  • Swinging of material
  • Damaged sling/wire rope or a chain sling
  • Poor maintenance of the vehicle
  • Speedy operation
  • Overturn
  • Overload

5. Stacking and Storing

  • Unauthorized, untrained workers
  • Material fall from height
  • Improper stacking
  • Collapse of materials

6. Working with Hand tools.

  • Slip, trip and fall
  • Damaged warn out hand tools
  • Flying objects

7. Working with power tools (Grinder, Drill machine)

  • Defective equipment
  • Electricity
  • Improper use of equipment
  • Poor maintenance
  • Untrained workers
  • Flying object
  • Noise and vibration
  • Fire
  • Dust

8. Working with ladder

  • Person/ material falling from a ladder
  • Overreaching
  • Overloading
  • Obstructions overhead/ adjacent to the work location
  • Slippery or uneven surface

9. Working on mobile scaffold

  • Uneven surface
  • Overhead structure and cable
  • Materials and workers fall from height
  • Untrained, unauthorized Workers
  • Collapse of scaffold

10. Working in near floor openings

  • Material/equipment fall from height
  • Slip/trip/fall

11. Installation of panels, glanding, termination

  • Untrained, unauthorized Workers
  • Material Fall
  • Sharp edges
  • Unsafe posture
  • Slip, trip and fall

12. Working in hot weather

  • Heat Stress

13. While working at night shift

  • Poor illumination
  • Slip/trip/fall

14. Work Completion

  • Poor housekeeping
  • Slip/trip/fall

Control Measures

TBT/DSTI to be conducted by the foreman/ safety officer before work commencement

Task-specific safety training to be provided

Authorized personnel to undertake the job

Daily safety inspection should be carried out and eliminate the hazard.

Any lifting tasks shall be carried out by persons physically capable of doing so

No employee should be asked to carry loads above his capacity and in any case, no load shall exceed 30kg per man.

The mass of the load is more than to be equally shared

Deploying enough personnel for lifting shall be appointed to the task depending upon the type of load to be lifted.

Use easy mode of transport like trolley etc.

Load not to be lifted above your shoulder Height

Keep your fingers away from the pinch point While placing the load

Area to be illuminated with adequate lighting.

Do not use pedestrian access for shifting materials, or tools by hand. It should be used through mechanical aids only.

Proper personal protective equipments to be used while manual handling of materials and loads.

Before starting obtain all relevant approval from the traffic department in connection to the use of the road.

PTW is to be approved by the Consultant/Contractor before starting the activity.

Trained and experienced operators/drivers and bank men are to be appointed for the activity.

Restricted to unauthorized and public entry into the area.

Public vehicles and transport to be restricted to enter the work area and proper alternative ways to be provided.

Warning sign boards to be placed and the area to be well barricaded.

High visibility vest to be provided to flagman to increase visibility.

Flagman to be positioned to the areas wherever required.

Close supervision is to be done at all times.

Ensure the crane and forklift engaged are tested and have a valid license and the operator has a valid license and approved 3rd party certificate.

Engage trained and certified bank man & rigger.

Barrication and warning signs into the area where lifting operation is carried out and restrict entry.

A checklist should be carried out to their vehicles by the operator before starting any work

Use a tagline for control of swing and alignment.

The crane must be stopped when the wind speed exceeds 38km/hr.

SWL should be marked on the crane and should be checked that is functioning.

The crane and trucks shall be periodically maintained and a periodical check has been done by the maintenance team.

Vehicle not to be left unattended at the site (i.e., to be switched off mode if required and keys removed)

SWL shall not be exceeded.

The load should be secured properly with the equipment.

Operators and rigger must wear high-level reflecting vests and adequate PPE (Shoes, helmet, leather gloves, goggles, overall)

All materials shall be stored below 2 meters in height.

If the material is too heavy, use the hydraulic trolley to shift the material.

No storage of materials is to be done in the workplace, only the required quantity to be taken for the job.

Personnel protective equipment must worn at all times during the activity. (Helmet, shoe, vest, overall, gloves, goggles, mask.)

Defective tools should not be issued or used to perform the task, they are to be checked by the storekeeper

Don’t extend the spanner by using a pipe as an extension bar.

Never use a file as a lever

Never use a screwdriver as a chisel

Don’t work with oily or greased hands

Use eye/ face protection when there is a flying materials hazard, and wear gloves while required to protect the hands

Use the right tools for the job

PTW is to be applied and obtained before the start If spark producing activity is performed

Defective tools should not be issued or used to perform a task.

Monthly inspection should be carried out by the

electrician and record to be kept at the store

All portable power tools should be fitted with adequate fuse protection either in the tool body or in its electrical plug.

The weight, size and type of tool should be selected to suit the job being carried out.

Don’t lay the cables around the access way, it should be proper routing

Industrial distribution board and socket only to be used at the site

No joints shall be made in electrical cable.

Trained and trained card-holding person only to operate suitable power tools.

Cable hangers shall be used to avoid the direct contact of power tools cable with the scaffolding members.

The electrical connection shall be routed through ELCB only.

The correct rate of ELCB should be used ( Ex:- 30ma is only acceptable)

Only those persons who have been adequately trained and experienced in the use of the tool should be allowed to use the same.

Power tools shall have inspection stickers.

Tools should be stored and maintained in good working condition.

Appropriate PPE Should be used ( Goggles, Mask, Earplug, Gloves, Shoe, Helmet, Overall, Vest )

The ladder should extend a minimum of one meter from the top for safe movement

Heavy materials should not be carried

Do not erect on the slippery, uneven surface

Should be set up with a 4 vertical to 1 horizontal slope( 4:1 )

Inspection and maintenance are to be registered and recorded by the storekeeper

The step ladder must be fully open and locked and the devices to be as per the manufacturer

The defective ladder should not be used and reported immediately

Do not work from the top of two rungs

Remember the 3-point contact

Do not work in front of the door. If work is carried then locked the door or blocked off

The ladder to be used for short duration works only limited to 15 min.

Colour colour-coded system to be implemented

Beware of overhead protrusions while climbing up the ladder.

Do not stack materials onto the scaffold

Visual inspection should be carried out before use

The outrigger is fitted and breaks are locked on

Only trained scaffolders shall be involved in erection & dismantling activities.

No person is to be on the scaffold while it is being moved

Scaffolds are only used on level and surface area

Safety harness to be used above 2mtr height and anchored in above shoulder height at all time

Tagging system to be implemented ( i.e., all safe scaffolds shall be provided with green tags and unsafe scaffolds with red tags)

Keep walkways free of obstacles, tools and Equipment

Never stand and sit on the handrails

Mobile scaffold height should be restricted to 3.5 to 4 times the shortest base width if the height of the scaffold exceeds raked support or if it should be tied to the structure properly.

PTW is to be applied and obtained before starting work

Authorized person to do the job.

Rigid Barrication and toe board to be provided to all external edges and where a fall can occur.

Warning signboards are to be provided in those areas.

PPE to be used at all times ( Helmet, Shoes, Vest, Overall, Harness )

Authorized personnel to undertake the job

The work location shall be inspected by the concerned supervisor/foreman.

Close supervision is to be done at all times

Materials should not be kept in walkways and edge of the opening.

Proper communication is to be maintained between the workers while doing the installation.

Maintain a good housekeeping policy to prevent slip, trip, and fall hazards.

PPE to be worn at all times( Gloves, goggles, mask, helmet, shoe, vest, overall)

Emergency procedures are to be briefed to all personnel before starting the activity.

Emergency evacuation plan shall be readily available according to site conditions and briefed to the workforce before start.

Trained first aider, fire warden and emergency vehicle to be available at the site during the activity.

Drink plenty of water

Employees shall be trained about heat stress symptoms & first aid measures.

Avoid highly physical tasks during the hottest part of the day

Isotonic drinks to be provided

Proper illumination is to be provided light posts are to be secured from fall

Proper cable management system to be Followed

All materials are to be staged appropriately without obstacles

General housekeeping, Remove all surface, and unwanted waste materials from the building

All necessary precautions will be adopted to prevent fire

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