
Monday, September 23, 2024




The "HSE Documents - Fire Risk Assessment" provides comprehensive guidelines to identify, assess, and mitigate fire hazards in various environments. It outlines essential steps for fire safety, helping businesses comply with regulations and ensure workplace safety. Download this crucial resource to safeguard your organization against potential fire risks.


Fire due to Hot Works

Fire due to Electricity

Fire due to Improper storage of Flammable and combustible Items.

Fire due to Smoking

Fire due to Poor Housekeeping

Fire due to Lightning.

Fire due to Arson


1. Fire due to Hot Works


Severe injuries or fatalities due to burns, smoke inhalation, or structural collapse.

Property damage including equipment and infrastructure.

Potential explosion if flammable materials are ignited.

Environmental damage through air pollution and toxic emissions.

Legal penalties for non-compliance with safety regulations.

Business interruption and financial loss due to operational downtime.

2. Fire due to Electricity


Electrical burns or electrocution injuries to personnel.

Spread of fire through electrical systems and wiring, leading to extensive property damage.

Loss of power affects emergency systems like alarms or sprinklers.

Severe disruption of operations and communication systems.

Legal liabilities and regulatory fines.

Environmental hazards if chemical or gas equipment is compromised by the fire.

3. Fire due to Improper Storage of Flammable and Combustible Items


The rapid spread of fire led to significant damage to property and infrastructure.

Increased risk of explosion due to improper containment.

Severe injuries or fatalities from burns, smoke inhalation, or explosions.

Contamination of soil and water from burnt chemicals leads to long-term environmental impacts.

Regulatory action, including fines and penalties for improper storage practices.

Loss of valuable materials and production delays.

4. Fire due to Smoking


Uncontrolled fire leads to burns, smoke inhalation, and potential fatalities.

Ignition of nearby combustible materials spreads the fire quickly.

Damage to equipment, building, and inventory.

Violation of workplace safety policies, resulting in regulatory fines.

Health risks from smoke and toxic fumes.

Business disruption and potential lawsuits from injured employees or third parties.

5. Fire due to Poor Housekeeping


Accumulation of waste materials increases fire load and facilitates the rapid spread of fire.

Obstruction of fire exits and evacuation routes, resulting in fatalities and injuries.

Delayed firefighting response due to blocked access points.

Significant property and equipment damage.

Increased risk of secondary incidents, such as explosions or electrical faults.

Regulatory penalties for failing to maintain a safe working environment.

Environmental harm due to the release of hazardous materials in fire.

6. Fire due to Lightning


Structural fires caused by lightning strikes lead to severe property damage.

Injuries or fatalities if personnel are exposed to a fire or lightning strike.

Power outages and electrical system failures impact safety systems like alarms or sprinklers.

Environmental hazards include air pollution from toxic fumes and debris.

Disruption of operations due to equipment damage or communication failures.

Legal and insurance complications due to natural disaster classifications.

7. Fire due to Arson


Deliberate fire led to extensive damage to property and infrastructure.

High potential for injuries or fatalities if the fire spreads quickly and emergency response is delayed.

Criminal investigation, legal liabilities, and potential prosecution of the responsible parties.

Business disruption due to property loss and investigation activities.

Environmental damage from the fire and associated firefighting efforts.

Significant financial loss and potential insurance complications.

Risk Control Measures

Competent operatives are to be appointed for all hot work operations.

The hot work permit must be obtained before the start of any hot work operations on the site.

All precautions mentioned in the permit and any extra precautions must also be taken to carry out hot work.

Supervisors must monitor the hot work operation continuously.

Fire watch as recommended in the PTW to be carried out after completing the hot work. (Time to be extended according to the Risk involved in the area.) 

All hot work equipment must be disconnected prior to leaving the area.

A dry powder extinguisher with a bucket full of water should be kept near the hot work area.

Competent supervisors and operatives are to be appointed to carry out electrical installation, maintenance, and repair on site.

All electrical installation and wiring should comply with Local Authorities' standards.

Do not use damaged electrical equipment, cables, and accessories.

Proper grounding of all electrical equipment and tools.

All electrical installations and equipment must be inspected prior to use and periodically.

All live electrical cables are to be protected to avoid damage.

Dry powder & CO2 extinguishers with sign boards should be kept near Electrical Generators, DB, and Offices, etc.  

Designated storage area to be provided for flammable and combustible materials.

All hazardous (Flammable) items are to be stored & handled as per MSDS. 

Do not store flammable items at the workplace, to be returned to the store after work.

Proper training as per MSDS to be given to all those who are working with flammable items.

Ensure flammable storage areas are equipped with adequate fire protection systems. Dry powder & CO2 extinguishers with signboard should be kept near chemical / flammable/ material storage area

Include a non-smoking policy in the induction training and a toolbox/safety awareness talk.

Designated smoking areas only to be used for smoking.

Do not bring the smoking material inside the site/work area.

A dry powder extinguisher with a signboard should be kept in the designated smoking area.

All combustible wastes are to be removed daily.

Empty chemical containers are to be disposed of as per MSDS.

Drip trays are to be provided to all stationary plants and equipment to contain fuel or oil spillages and the tray must be cleaned daily. Fire extinguishers are to be kept within a 30-meter radius, with sign boards and methods of how to use extinguishers. 

Sufficient lighting arrestors are to be installed as per standard. 

Standard electrical wiring system with proper earthing.

ELCB, RCD, MCB, etc to be installed in the electrical circuits.

All electrical circuits are to be deactivated while in thunderstorm/lightning.

Educate all employees regarding the consequences of fire accidents.

Smoking stuff, match boxes, lighters, etc. are not to be permitted in the site/work area.

Provide security at all vulnerable points.

Proper and close supervision and monitoring at all times.

Sufficient Firefighting equipment (extinguishers, hose reels, water buckets, etc.) is to be provided in all areas according to the risk.

Fire detection and extinguishing systems are to be installed in the offices.

Fire sprinkler system to be activated in the Basement storage areas. 

Do not misplace the Fire Fighting Equipment from Fire Points.

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