
Tuesday, October 3, 2023





This Method Statement" For Testing And Commissioning Of Public Address" uploaded by HSE Documents outlines the procedures and guidelines for the testing and commissioning of a Public Address System (PAS) at [Location]. The purpose of this document is to ensure that the PAS is installed, tested, and commissioned by industry standards and project specifications. This process is essential to verify the functionality, reliability, and safety of the system before it is put into operational use.


2.1. Project Drawings and Specifications

2.2. National and Local Electrical Codes and Regulations

2.3. Manufacturer's Installation and Commissioning Manuals

2.4. Health and Safety Regulations


3.1. Project Manager: The Project Manager shall oversee the entire testing and commissioning process, ensuring it is conducted safely and efficiently.

3.2. Site Supervisor: The Site Supervisor will coordinate the activities of the testing and commissioning team, ensuring compliance with the method statement.

3.3. Testing and Commissioning Team: This team shall consist of qualified technicians responsible for conducting the tests, inspections, and adjustments required.


4.1. Safety Measures: Before commencing any work, a safety briefing shall be conducted to identify potential hazards and implement necessary safety precautions. All personnel involved shall wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

4.2. Equipment and Tools: Ensure that all necessary testing equipment and tools are available and calibrated, including millimeters, sound level meters, and cable testers.

4.3. Documentation: Have all relevant project documentation, including drawings, specifications, and manufacturer's manuals, readily accessible on-site.


5.1. Visual Inspection: Conduct a thorough visual inspection of all PAS components, including speakers, amplifiers, microphones, and control panels, to ensure proper installation and secure mounting.

5.2. Wiring and Connections: Verify that all wiring and connections are correctly terminated, free from defects, and properly labeled.

5.3. Power Supply: Ensure that the power supply to the PAS is properly connected and within the specified voltage range. Check for any fluctuations or voltage drops.

5.4. System Activation: Activate the PAS system and conduct a preliminary functional test to ensure all components are operational.

5.5. Sound Quality Test: Use a sound level meter to measure and verify the sound quality and volume levels at various locations within the designated coverage area. Adjustments shall be made to achieve uniform sound distribution.

5.6. Microphone Testing: Test all microphones for functionality and clarity. Ensure that they are correctly connected and can be heard clearly through the PAS.

5.7. Emergency Broadcast Test: Simulate an emergency situation and test the emergency broadcast functionality of the PAS, including the automatic activation of emergency messages.

A. Visual Inspection:

  • Inspect all PAS components, including speakers, amplifiers, microphones, and control panels, for any physical damage, loose connections, or signs of wear.
  • Verify that all components are securely mounted and positioned as per the approved project drawings and specifications.
  • Ensure that there are no obstructions or obstacles that could affect sound distribution.

B. Wiring and Connections:

  • Check all cable terminations, connectors, and conduits for signs of wear, damage, or loose connections.
  • Verify that all cables are properly labeled and organized, including color-coded connections for ease of identification.
  • Inspect cable routes to ensure they comply with safety regulations and do not pose tripping hazards.

C. Power Supply:

  • Confirm that the power supply to the PAS is within the specified voltage and frequency range and that it is stable without voltage fluctuations.
  • Check backup power sources, such as uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), if installed, to ensure they function correctly during power outages.

D. System Activation:

  • Safely power on the PAS system, starting with amplifiers and control units, and ensure that all components initialize without errors.
  • Verify that the system's user interface or control panel displays are functioning correctly and responding to commands.
  • Conduct a basic functionality test by playing test audio through the system to confirm audio output from all speakers.

E. Sound Quality Test:

  • Use a sound level meter to measure and record sound levels at various predefined locations within the coverage area.
  • Test sound quality by playing a variety of audio sources through the system, including speech, music, and emergency announcements.
  • Adjust amplifier gain, equalization settings, and speaker angles to achieve uniform sound distribution and optimal clarity.

F. Microphone Testing:

  • Test each microphone, including both wired and wireless models if applicable, for functionality.
  • Verify that microphone inputs are correctly routed to the PAS and that they can be heard clearly through the speakers.
  • Check for any feedback or interference issues and make necessary adjustments.

G. Emergency Broadcast Test:

  • Simulate emergency scenarios to test the automatic activation of emergency announcements and alert tones.
  • Verify that emergency messages are prioritized and delivered clearly, overriding any ongoing audio playback.
  • Confirm that all designated areas receive emergency announcements without distortion or delay.

H. Volume and Balance Adjustments:

  • Fine-tune the volume levels of individual speakers to ensure consistent sound coverage throughout the designated areas.
  • Balance sound distribution to minimize dead spots and areas with excessive sound pressure.
  • Document all adjustments made during the testing process for future reference.

I. Feedback and Noise Suppression:

  • Test for feedback and background noise issues by gradually increasing microphone volumes.
  • Implement feedback suppression techniques, such as notch filtering or automatic gain control, to mitigate feedback.
  • Ensure that noise levels are within acceptable limits during quiet periods.


Throughout the testing procedure, it is essential to maintain open communication with the project team and stakeholders to address any issues promptly and to confirm that the system meets the project's specific requirements and expectations.


6.1. System Calibration: Calibrate the PAS to ensure optimal sound quality and coverage. Adjust equalization settings and speaker volume levels as needed.

6.2. User Training: Provide training to designated personnel responsible for operating and maintaining the PAS, including instruction on using control panels and microphones.

6.3. Documentation: Prepare a comprehensive commissioning report, including test results, adjustments made, and any issues identified during testing. Ensure all relevant documents are updated.

A. System Calibration:

Utilize professional audio calibration equipment to fine-tune the PAS for optimal sound quality and coverage.

Adjust equalization settings, including bass, treble, and midrange frequencies, to match the acoustic characteristics of the designated areas.

Ensure that audio sources, such as microphones and audio playback devices, are correctly calibrated to deliver consistent and clear sound.

B. User Training:

Conduct comprehensive user training sessions for designated personnel responsible for operating and maintaining the PAS.

Provide hands-on training on the operation of control panels, microphones, and any remote management software or hardware.

Train users on emergency broadcast procedures and the proper handling of emergency announcements.

C. Documentation:

Prepare a detailed commissioning report that includes:

A list of all tested components, including model numbers and serial numbers.

A summary of adjustments made during calibration and their impact on sound quality and coverage.

Any identified issues during commissioning and how they were resolved.

Recommendations for ongoing maintenance and service intervals.

Update system documentation, including as-built drawings, to reflect any changes made during commissioning.

Provide the client with user manuals, maintenance procedures, and technical documentation for all PAS components.

D. System Integration Testing:

Verify the integration of the PAS with other relevant systems, such as fire alarm systems, emergency lighting, or security systems.

Confirm that the PAS can automatically interface with these systems during emergency situations and initiate appropriate actions, such as evacuation announcements.

E. Performance Testing:

Conduct a final round of performance testing to ensure that all adjustments made during calibration have resulted in the desired sound quality and coverage.

Test the PAS under various scenarios, including high-volume audio playback and multiple simultaneous microphone inputs, to confirm its stability and reliability.

F. Emergency Scenarios:

Simulate emergency scenarios to validate the responsiveness and effectiveness of the PAS in delivering emergency announcements.

Verify that emergency announcements are clear and intelligible, and reach all designated areas within the specified timeframes.

Confirm that the PAS complies with all relevant safety and regulatory standards during emergency operations.

G. Client Acceptance:

Schedule a formal client acceptance testing session with the client's representatives.

Demonstrate the full functionality of the PAS, including its ability to handle emergency situations effectively.

Address any questions or concerns raised by the client and make necessary adjustments based on their feedback.

H. System Handover:

Provide the client with a complete package of commissioning documentation, including the commissioning report, updated drawings, and user manuals.

Discuss ongoing maintenance requirements and recommended service schedules with the client.

Obtain formal sign-off from the client indicating their acceptance of the commissioned PAS.


Throughout the commissioning procedure, maintain open communication with the client and ensure that they are actively involved in the acceptance testing process. Address any issues or concerns promptly and professionally, ensuring that the client is fully satisfied with the commissioned PAS.


7.1. Client Acceptance: Arrange a final walkthrough and acceptance inspection with the client's representative. Ensure they are satisfied with the functionality and performance of the PAS.

7.2. Documentation Handover: Provide the client with all relevant documentation, including user manuals, maintenance procedures, and the commissioning report.


8.1. System Design and Schematics

8.2. Equipment Manuals

8.3. Test Plans and Checklists

8.4. Cable and Wiring Diagrams

8.5. Power Supply Specifications

8.6. Network Configuration Details

8.7. Risk Assessment and Safety Measures

8.8. Environmental Impact Assessment

8.9. Compliance Certificates

8.10. As-Built Drawings

8.11. Training Materials

8.12. Maintenance and Service Contracts

8.13. Photos and Documentation of Installation

8.14. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Results

8.15. Regulatory Permits and Approvals


9.1. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards:

IEC 60849: Sound Systems for Emergency Purposes

IEC 60268-16: Objective Rating of Speech Intelligibility by Speech Transmission Index

IEC 60065: Audio, Video, and Similar Electronic Apparatus - Safety Requirements

IEC 60942: Electroacoustics - Sound Calibrators

9.2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards:

NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

NFPA 101: Life Safety Code

9.3. Audio Engineering Society (AES) Standards:

AES2-2012: AES Recommended Practice for Audio Applications of Networks - Application of IEC 61883-6

9.4. Manufacturer's Documentation

9.5. Government Regulations and Codes

9.6. Industry Guidelines

9.7. Acoustic Engineering Textbooks

9.8. Project Specifications

9.9. Audio System Design Manuals

9.10. Audio Testing and Measurement Equipment Manuals

9.11. Industry Journals and Publications

9.12. Local Authority Guidelines

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