
Sunday, September 10, 2023




1. Is a candidate contractor a member of a national federation of dismantling and demolition contractors?

2. Is each candidate familiar with the standards?

3. What is the contractor’s previous experience?  Are tenderers being required to submit outlines of planned demolition sequences and methods to be used?

4. What is the contractor’s policy and organization for safety and environmental control?  Does the contractor have formalized HSE management procedures? What are the contractor’s incident and injury statistics?

5. If special equipment and techniques such as explosives, thermal lance, water jet cutting, diving, and work in inert atmospheres are required, where will be necessary skills come from?

6. Will a work permit system be used for access, cleaning, removal, and hot work? Typically, the client’s site permit system is used, which means, the contractor’s proposed demolition plan should comply with the client’s system.

7. Provisions for isolating areas and services. The client’s site staff typically carries out isolations. Does the contractor’s system for identifying isolations agree with the client’s system?

8. Approach to testing for hazardous materials and substances. Will testing be carried out by site employees or will third-party services be required for analyzing asbestos counts and other hazards? How will materials disposal be controlled?

9. Job responsibilities, terms of reference, and reporting obligations for the contractor’s Site Managers and supervisors. Who will interact with client management and the HSE Representative? Who will interact with statutory authorities and subcontractors?

10. What is the contractor’s system for managing the HSE issues resulting from its operations and those of its subcontractors?

11. Who is responsible for reporting and investigating incidents, including near misses?

12. What are the responsibilities and methods used for testing atmospheric safety and for inspecting confined spaces before entry? Client Site Managers typically control such tests—the contractor’s work proceeds under the site permit system.

13. What are the contractor-proposed procedures for demolishing structures? Particular hazards arise when chimney stacks, columns, and other tall or heavy items fall, and during the demolition of pre- and post-stressed concrete structures.  Are specialized engineering services required for these areas?

14. Induction and training are required for contractor employees. Does it include e operation permit-to-workork system and the use of protective equipment and breathing apparatus?

15. What is the means of identifying pipes, vessels, and tanks that have been rendered safe for further work or that remain unsafe?

16. The use of personal protective equipment must be provided by a contractor for its employees. Is the type of equipment proposed acceptable to client Site Management?

17. What are the proposed methods for moving components around the site and providing safe access routes for cranes and heavy trucks?

18. What are the proposed techniques for handling, removing, and disposing of residual waste?

19. What are the proposed means for storing and issuing gas cylinders and checking their correct use?

20. What methods will be used for cutting up scrap metal and designating suitable areas for this work?  Particular attention should be paid to the hazard potential of steel pipeworkwork pipe work that has been in contact with lead compounds.

21. What provisions are proposed for fire prevention, detection, and extinguishing systems, and location of fire alarms and fire points?

22. Is there a plan to provide temporary services for the demolition crew, including lighting, telephones, power, water, and sewage disposal?

23. Is there a means of defining demolition site boundaries and controlling access by both personnel and vehicles?  Access may be adjacent to or through operating plant areas; thus, effective control or segregation by fencing or other means will be required.

24. Are there provisions for removing glass and other hazardous substances from buildings, for possible collapse of floors, and any requirement for heavy lifts?

25. What methods will used to seal off drains that may release toxic or flammable materials?

26. Are there provisions for using existing equipment such as hoists or lifts?  Redundant equipment must not be used unless current certificates of examination are available.

27. What are the proposed procedures for dealing with emergencies, including site evacuation arrangements, alarm signals, and assembly areas?

28. What are the provisions for onsite first-aid and offsite healthcare services?

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