
Wednesday, September 20, 2023




1. Scope of Work

This method statement uploaded by HSE Documents outlines the procedures and guidelines for the maintenance of vending and dispensing equipment. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the proper functioning and longevity of these machines, as well as to provide a safe and hygienic environment for users. This document should be followed by qualified technicians or maintenance personnel.

2. Transport and travel

2.1. Travel is by public road and care will be taken to ensure safe conduct at all times in line with the Highway Code. 

2.2. Travel will be by individual vehicle to ensure social distancing. 

2.3. On arrival at the client’s site any local rules and signage will be obeyed at all times.

3. Parking, arrival and delivery arrangements upon arrival

3.1. On arrival parking will be as directed by the client and/or local rules. 

3.2. Care should be taken to ensure that parking is safe, courteous and appropriate.

4. Signing in and out procedures

4.1. Any coronavirus visitor’s rules will be complied with and staff will undergo any requirements, including temperature checks where required and/or sign, or affirm a declaration that they are not suffering from any symptoms, or required to isolate under current rules. 

4.2. Tech must have an appropriate induction for the site. 

4.3. Inductions generally last 12 months. 

4.4. Following on, attendance on site must be pre-booked through site contact with appropriate notice. 

4.5. If there is any significant delay in a booked arrival time, as a result of unforeseen circumstances, then this should be transmitted to the client as soon as possible to ensure that the new time is acceptable and that arrangements are still valid.

5. Site safety procedures

5.1. Clients and site duty holders are expected to ensure that adequate arrangements are in place to enable [COMPANY] staff to work safely, to be able to wash their hands on arrival and maintain safe social distancing in accordance with guidance in place at the time of the visit.

5.2. Personnel will be in possession of required PPE and are aware of the guidance and best practice for prevention of contracting the virus. 

5.3. Our staff will carry out a dynamic assessment of risk upon arrival before commencing their visit.

5.4. Staff will ensure that they are aware of site safety procedures, will comply with any local rules and arrangements whilst on site and will conduct themselves in a safe manner at all times in accordance with on-site safety procedures and good practice.

5.5. On completion of the task the equipment will be handed over to the client and the area checked to ensure that it is left in a safe condition

6. Guarding and segregation 

6.1. There should be no immediate access to the work area.

6.2. Staff entitled to be in the area will be made fully aware of the work in progress and will be kept away as far as possible.

6.3. Where full segregation is not possible then suitable barriers or warning cones/signs must be placed to give maximum notice and achieve adequate warning.

6.4. If for any reason the equipment has to be left unattended during the activity then it must be left in a safe condition to prevent accidental access by unauthorized persons.

6.5. Any congestion or blocking of emergency routes that may result from these work activities will be discussed with the client and any necessary actions taken to minimize the risk to persons in the area.

7. Safety checks before commencement

7.1. Ensure that safe distancing can be maintained.

7.2. Before any work is carried out in zones beyond safety covers, electrically isolate equipment at the closest point and ensure that inadvertent reconnection is not possible. 

7.3. Safety devices and locks for plugs and fused spurs should be used where necessary

7.4. Equipment connected to the electrical supply by plug to socket should be switched off and unplugged.

7.5. Equipment connected to the electrical supply by a fused spur should be switched off at the spur or if possible, at the nearest isolation point back

7.6. If it is necessary to disconnect from a fixed spur to obtain satisfactory isolated disconnection, then this must be completed by a competent person

7.7. If there is any doubt regarding the isolation of electrical points then work will stop until a safety test has been completed.

7.8. Where necessary isolate the water supply at the in-line stop valve and test the effectiveness of isolation before commencing repairs or disconnection

7.9. Care will be taken at all times to ensure that a safe method of work and safe working practices are followed in line with the company’s Safe Systems of Work.

8. Outline a description of the works to be carried out

8.1. Ensure that any distancing, guarding, and segregation is in place as above

8.2. Carry out any safety checks above

8.3. Prepare equipment in line with manufacturer’s and company’s procedures

8.4. Carry out planned activity, fault diagnosis, and rectification or repair, as necessary

8.5. Reassemble equipment, including safety covers, as necessary, following safe working practices at all times

8.6. Complete full functional test and electrical safety checks to current work instructions and safe systems

8.7. On completion of work obtain sign-off/acceptance from the customer that the work is completed to their satisfaction and the area has been left in a safe condition.

9. Tools required

9.1. This activity will be restricted to the use of small hand tools, battery-powered drills, and/or fused test equipment.

9.2. Screwdrivers (flathead and Phillips)

9.3. Wrenches and pliers

9.4. Cleaning materials (cloths, brushes, disinfectants)

9.5. Lubricants and oils (if applicable)

9.6. Multimeter (for electrical checks)

9.7. Spare parts (as needed)

10. Working at height

10.1. This activity will not require work above or below ground level, excluding stairs, or use equipment for working at height or be in an area where specific PPE necessitated by working at height is required.

11. Hot works

11.1. There is no requirement for hot work during this activity.

12. Live working

12.1. Equipment being worked on will be isolated by disconnection. 

12.2. There is no necessity to work on live equipment, but some output testing may be necessary; this will be carried out with fused test equipment and suitable tools.

13. PPE requirements

13.1. High visibility vests and safety shoes are provided to all staff. 

13.2. Staff wear, non-slip, protective footwear at all times and have availability for appropriate protective equipment related to Covid-19 hazards.

13.3. Staff will also comply with any additional site requirements for PPE related to their activities.

14. First Aid and Emergency 

Arrangements including essential hygiene and COVID track and trace:

14.1. Staff will sign in as visitors at on-site locations and comply with local procedures. 

14.2. Staff will require facilities to wash or sanitize hands on arrival. Staff will comply with site safety procedures, including the reporting of accidents, injuries, and near-misses. 

14.3. This will include client notification if a visiting [COMPANY] employee develops COVID symptoms, or a positive test within 72 hours of their visit. 

14.4. These details are maintained through call allocation records and reported centrally by line managers.

14.5. Any accident, injury, or near-miss will also be reported through the company accident reporting procedures ensuring both organizations are aware.

14.6. There should be no requirement for any alteration, interruption, or work on the fire alarm systems as a consequence of the works that are planned.

15. Welfare requirements

15.1. The only waste that will be generated as a consequence of our work activities will be restricted to packaging, consisting mainly of small quantities of cardboard and plastic. 

15.2. Waste will generally be removed from the site wherever possible or disposed of in line with the site’s own waste procedures and segregation protocol. 

15.3. Where such disposal is not permitted, waste will be removed from the site for disposal at the Home Depot.

16. Substances Used

16.1. This type of work does not require the use of any specific hazardous substances. Covid-19 precautions are in place and staff are aware of the risks and control measures.

16.2. Any other substance which might be used has been subject to assessment and Material Data Sheets are available

17. Visual Inspection

17.1. Visually inspect the exterior of the equipment for any physical damage, rust, or signs of wear and tear.

17.2. Check the power cord and plug for any visible damage. If found, replace them immediately.

17.3. Examine the vending or dispensing mechanisms for any loose or broken parts.

18. Electrical Checks (if applicable)

18.1. If the equipment is electrical, use a Multimeter to check for any electrical faults, such as loose wires or damaged components.

18.2. Ensure that all electrical connections are secure and properly insulated.

19. Cleaning and Sanitization

19.1. Clean the exterior surfaces of the equipment using a damp cloth and an appropriate disinfectant to maintain hygiene standards.

19.2. Remove any accumulated dust or debris from vents and grilles.

19.3. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning internal components or replacing any worn-out filters.

20. Lubrication (if applicable)

20.1. If the equipment has moving parts that require lubrication, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for lubrication intervals and types of lubricants to use.

21. Test Run

21.1. Reconnect the equipment to the power source.

21.2. Test-run the equipment to ensure that all functions are working correctly.

21.3. Observe the equipment during operation for any unusual noises or malfunctions

22. Documentation

22.1. Keep detailed records of all maintenance activities, including:

22.2. Date and time of maintenance.

22.3. Maintenance personnel's names and signatures.

22.4. Description of maintenance performed.

22.5. Any replacement parts used.

22.6. Any issues or anomalies discovered during maintenance.

22.7. Risk Assessment

22.8. Permit to work

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