
Thursday, September 28, 2023




The following are some of the hazards and control measures for the risk assessment for electrical pressure testing uploaded by the HSE Documents. For complete risk assessment, click the link given at the bottom of these lines.

1. Activity

Electrical Pressure Testing 

2. Hazard

3. Slip, trip, and fall at a different level

4. Slip, trip, and fall at the same Level

5. Falling objects by the collapse

6. Fall of objects by manipulation

7. Crash against stationary objects

8. Shock against mobile objects

9. Entrapment by/between objects

10. Entrapment by vehicle rollover

11. Run-ins or blows with vehicles

12. Electrical contacts

13. Thermal contacts

14. Extreme meteorological conditions

15. Ergonomic and psychosocial risk

16. Blows/cuts with objects or tools

17. Fire/explosion

18. Overexertion

19. Projection of fragments or particles

20. Exposure to radiation

Control Measures and Actions

22. Before entering high places, make sure they have the necessary collective protections to prevent falls, and if this is not the case, report it to your superior;

23. Make sure the edges of shutter work, gaps, and any different levels are protected with railings, safety nets, fencing with signs or similar;

24. All railings must be rigid, be at least 95 cm. in height, and be provided with an intermediate bar and skirting.

25. Work over 1.8 meters high, use a harness;


  • Be fixed to prevent undesired movements
  • Checked before use to make sure that it is in optimal state
  • Have railings and skirtings for heights of over 1,8 meters
  • Have a separation of 30 cm at most from the façade
  • Have crosses on either side
  • Have railings of 95 cm on the working platforms, with intermediate bars and skirting;

6. The workers must follow the Method Statement and the preparation induction.

7. Site induction and wear PPE;

8. Whenever there is the need to move heavy-weight parts, perform the work with two or more workers;

9. Check the stability of the materials before completing the work;

10. Manual handling of loads must be performed correctly;

11. The maximum manual loading weight shall not exceed 25 Kg;

12. The workers must follow the Method Statement and the preparation induction;

13. Maintain tidiness and cleanliness in the whole of the work area: passages clear and areas used for gathering materials;

14. Store all materials correctly and in the right place.

15. Site induction

16. Do not stand under suspended loads.

17. Always ensure hooks with their safety latch.

18. Always check the state of cables, ropes, slings, etc.

19. Make sure materials are stored correctly.

20. Always ensure hooks with their safety latch.

21. Always check the state of cables, ropes, slings, etc.

22. Do not gather material on the edge of the shutter work.

23. Do not leave tools, equipment, or materials in the working platforms of the scaffolding and/or mobile machinery.

24. Mobile machinery driver must have the license corresponding to the machine he/she is using

25. Notice any stationary object properly.

26. Vehicle ways will be well-defined and delimited

27. Work areas will be well-lighted.

28. Safety distances about mechanism working ranges will be respected.

29. All the mobile elements of the machines must be protected by the manufacturer.

30. Machinery maintenance works should be done with the engine cut-off.

31. Mobile machinery driver must have the license corresponding to the machine he/she is using

32. All times respect the mobile machinery limits.

33. Respect the speed limit at work.

34. Respect all signs, particularly in the areas and routes used for vehicles to pass and those reserved for pedestrians.

35. Enter the site through a defined entrance.

36. Use vehicles only if you are authorized to do so and follow the instructions received for suitable handling.

37. Use reflecting jackets to guarantee correct visibility.

38. Check and respect all vehicle reversing acoustic signals.

39. It is forbidden to manipulate any electrical connection box

40. Only trained and qualified workers can do electrical work.

41. All worn or peeled wires must be repaired immediately.

42. Any anomaly in an electrical installation should be reported.

43. Do not use electrical tools with wet hands or wet gloves.

44. If there is are being carried out, these should be announced and notified with their corresponding WP and its special safety measures.

45. Use appropriate personal protection equipment.

46. Do not carry flammable materials (matches, lighters) during welding operations.

47. Avoid working at high wind speeds

48. It is forbidden to work with energized lines on thunderstorms and periods of rain.

49. Shifts must be set to ensure that the worker rests.

50. Do an annual medical examination for all workers.

51. Keep good interpersonal and professional relationships with the workers.

52. Keep high Qualitative, Environmental, and Security levels in the company through ISO Certificates.

53. Use quality tools according to the type of work to be carried out.

54. Properly instruct personnel on the use of each type of tool.

55. Use gloves when handling sharp tools.

56. Perform regular maintenance of the tools (repair, sharpening, cleaning, etc.).

57. Periodically check the condition of the handles, insulating coatings, etc.

58. Store and/or transport the tools in boxes, tool bags, or appropriate panels, where each tool has its place.

59. It is forbidden to make fire at work

60. It is forbidden to smoke at work

61. Have fire extinguishers available on the site (carbon dioxide fire extinguisher and polyvalent powder);

62. Learn about electrical work procedures if you perform this kind of operation;

63. The workers must follow the Method Statement and the preparation induction.

64. Use manual and power tools only for their specific purposes.

65. All faulty tools must be put out of use. Do not carry tools in your pockets, but on the specific belts for them.

66. When you are not using them, leave them in places where they can not cause accidents.

67. Plan de works to be done before starting them to avoid improvisations.

68. Avoid useless efforts, use mechanics tools, and request help when punctually have to move some heavy objects.

69. Keep your back straight, and avoid forced postures and trunk turns.

70. To lift loads, bend the knees without bending the back and lifting them by stretching the knees.

71. Site induction & wear PPE;

72. Respect the manufacturer's instructions for the tools and equipment.

73. Replaces tools in poor condition with others that are in perfect condition and installs anti- projections elements always when it is necessary.

74. Do not use compressed air to de-dust or clean clothes or other objects.

75. Respect all signs indicating RADIATION;

76. Don’t cross barriers with RADIATION signs;

77. Ask the Site Manager, Supervisor, and/or SHEE officer if you have doubts about RADIATION signs and/or affected areas.

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