
Saturday, September 2, 2023




Abrasive Wheel Risk Assessment by HSE Documents

Abrasive wheels are commonly used in various industries for cutting, grinding, and polishing tasks. While they are essential tools, they can also pose significant risks if not handled properly. This risk assessment aims to identify potential hazards associated with abrasive wheels and implement measures to mitigate these risks.

Purpose of the Assessment:

The primary objective of this risk assessment is to:

  • Identify potential hazards associated with abrasive wheel use.
  • Evaluate the likelihood and severity of these hazards.
  • Implement control measures to reduce or eliminate identified risks.
  • Ensure compliance with relevant health and safety regulations.

1. Activity

Using an Abrasive Wheel

2. Hazard

  • Contact with the disc during use.
  • Disc shattering due to incorrect mounting
  • Flying debris during a grinding process
  • Fire
  • Hand-arm vibration syndrome
  • Fire and Explosion

3. Risk

  • Fatalities/ Total Permanent Disability (TPD)
  • Serious eye injuries
  • Burns
  • Property damages Body pain Fatalities / TPD

4. Basic Cause of Hazard with the Use of Abrasive Wheel

  • Wheel Breakage
  • Improper Mounting
  • Incorrect Wheel Selection
  • Wheel Wear
  • Excessive Speed
  •  Inadequate Inspection
  • Lack of Proper Guarding
  • Poor Work Rests
  • Inadequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Lack of Training
  • Improper Storage and Handling
  • Ignored Safety Procedures
  • Inadequate Dust and Fume Control
  • Operator Fatigue
  • Lack of Machine Maintenance

5. Existing Control Measures

  • Fully trained and experienced operators only carry out this work
  • The correct abrasive wheel is selected for the particular application
  • Only a fully trained and experienced person shall change the disc
  • Only a fully trained and experienced person must carry out this work
  • Exclusion zones are set up as required
  • Fire Extinguishers are provided at the location of works and operators are trained in their use
  • Only blades of the correct type and in good condition are used
  •  Hot works permit system is adhered to

6. Additional Control Measures

  • A check of equipment guard etc., needs to be carried out before work starts.
  • Excludes those not involved in the operation from the hazardous area, Try to reduce the likelihood of injury
  • Disc speed shall be always greater than the tool speed
  • Workers need to carry out a check of equipment before work starts
  • PPE including eye protection worn
  • Implementation of Emergency preparedness and response procedures
  • Gloves will keep operators' hands warm and dry, which shall reduce the risk
  • Trained operators shall be aware of the risks involved

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