
Saturday, August 26, 2023





1. Worker's transportation

2. The arrival of personnel at the site.

3. Enter the work location with cranes/equipment.

4. Common for COVID-19

5. Working in open areas High- Temperature Weather (during this summer/Extreme Climatic conditions)

6. Mobilization and set up of Crane

7. Attaching and detaching lifting gears (crane hook to load-lifting point)

8. Lifting of Gas Cylinder 

9. Slew load over construction area.

10. Housekeeping


1. Vehicle accident.

2. Hit or run over the animals, pedestrians, and government property

3. Unfamiliar with local situations.

4. Untrained persons.

5. Insufficient space for setup/entry equipment.

6. Obstacles present.

7. Uncontrolled movement of equipment.

8. Ground condition.

9. Risk of getting COVID-19 positive.

10. The risk of worker exposure.

11. Falling from a height or over some material due to unconsciousness

12. Worker exposure.

13. Heat stress/High temperature/Foggy conditions/Sand storms/

14. Moving

15. Equipments,

16. Working at height Slip. Trip and Fall

17. Manual handling.

18. Failure of Lifting Equipment & Lifting Gears,

19. Improper stacking of materials

20. Poor communication

21. Adverse Weather Condition

22. Lack of

23. awareness of surrounding hazards

24. Strike existing facilities

25. Over speeding

26. Trapped/crushed person

27. Improper manual handling

28. Environmental Pollution

29. Working at height.

30. Wrong lifting gears.

31. Poor communication.

32. Manual handling.

33. Pinch points. 6. Trapping, Slip, fall

34. Equipment failure.

35. Defective lifting gears.

36. Slips, trips, and falls.

37. Crushed between loads.

38. Pinch Point, trapped body parts. Adverse weather conditions.

39. Failure of communication.

40. Uncertified operator/Riggers and lifting gears.

41. Overloading.

42. Improper rigging practice.

43. Uneven ground level.

44. Suspended load.

45. Unexpected load movement.

46. Unauthorized persons in the work area.

47. Collision with Obstructions.

48. Pinch points and hand traps

49. Sharp Objects

50. Protruding objects

51. Slips, trips, and falls

52. Cuts


1. Human error

2. Poor road conditions

3. Vehicle maintenance issues

4. Inadequate training

5. Overloading

6. Reckless driving behavior

7. Lack of safety equipment

8. Poor supervision and oversight

9. Fatigue and long working hours

10. Inadequate risk assessment

11. Lack of communication 

12. External factors 

13. Insufficient traffic management and control measures.

14. Inadequate separation between pedestrian walkways and vehicle routes.

15. Uneven or poorly maintained walking surfaces.

16. Improperly secured tools and equipment during transportation.

17. Lack of overhead protection or barriers to prevent falling objects.

18. Inadequate training on proper handling and storage of materials.

19. Inadequate signage or markings to guide workers to proper entry and exit points.

20. Insufficient training or orientation for new personnel on worksite layout.

21. Inadequate training on electrical safety procedures and lockout/tagout protocols.

22. Caught-In/Between Hazards Causes due to Workers caught between moving parts of equipment or between the crane and other structures.

23. Workers are caught between heavy equipment and fixed objects or equipment components.

24. Workers falling from elevated work platforms, cranes, or equipment.

25. Improper handling or storage of materials leads to materials falling, shifting, or collapsing.

26. Close Contact

27. Meetings and Gatherings

28. Sharing tools, equipment, and devices without proper cleaning and disinfection protocols can lead to virus transmission.

29. Asymptomatic Spread

30. Travel and Commuting

31. Lack of Personal Protective Equipment 

32. Inadequate Hygiene Practices

33. Failure to Isolate or Quarantine

34. Working in direct sunlight 

35. Failure to drink enough fluids, especially water, leads to dehydration, impairing the body's ability to cool itself through sweating.

36. Insufficient breaks

37. Heavy clothing can impede heat dissipation and contribute to heat stress.

38. Lack of Acclimatization

39. Pre-existing Medical Condition

40. Overweight or Obesity

41. Inadequate Training and Awareness

42. Limited Access to Shade and Cooling Areas

43. Work Schedule and Demand

44. Incorrect setup on unstable ground, exceeding the crane's load capacity, failure to properly secure outriggers or stabilizers, or inadequate ballasting.

45. Workers or other equipment getting struck by moving crane components, such as the boom, counterweights, or loads being lifted.

46. Workers get caught between moving crane components or between the crane and other structures or objects.

47. Tools, materials, or equipment falling from the crane or lifted loads.

48. Uneven or unstable surfaces, improper load distribution, or sudden movements of the crane leading to tipping

49. Sing untrained or inexperienced personnel to operate or assist with crane setup and operation.

50. Unsafe Positioning

51. Pinch Points

52. Failure to Secure the Load

53. Lack of Rigging Knowledge

54. Inadequate PPE

55. Environmental Conditions

56. Fatigue and Distractions

57. Lack of Training

58. Poor Storage and Handling Practices

59. Inadequate Equipment

60. Personal Protective Equipment 

61. Rushing or Complacency

62. Poor Communication

63. Lack of Risk Assessment

64. Inadequate Planning

65. Equipment Failure Communication Breakdown

66. Lack of Compliance with Standards and Regulations

67. Time Pressure and Fatigue

68. Accumulation of flammable materials, improper storage of chemicals, and blocked emergency exits.

69. Poorly maintained electrical equipment, exposed wires, and overloaded power outlets.

70. Improperly stored or stacked materials, equipment, or tools.

71. Obstructed walkways, exits, and emergency escape routes.

72. Poor disposal of sharp objects like broken glass, metal shards, or used needles.

73. Improper storage or organization of tools and equipment.


1. Serious Injury/fatality.

2. Loss of Production.

3. Public disturbance.

4. Personnel unaware of the local site situation could do unsafe things resulting in personnel injury and/or property damage.

5. 2. Untrained personnel in lifting operations could do unsafe things that may result in personnel injury and/or property damage.

6. Collide with equipment/obstacles.

7. Limited space for crane setup and trailer movement can cause property damage and personnel injury.

8. The unsuitable ground condition can cause Equipment collapse and property damage.

9. All the workers and staff get in contact with the COVID-19 patient. Respiratory illness, fever, difficulty breathing, coughing, headache, and sore throat.

10. Sunburn.

11. Heatstroke /Heat exhaustion Heat cramps etc.

12. Damage of Equipment

13. Noise and air pollution.

14. Oil spillage

15. Property damage

16. Personal injury.

17. Environment contamination.

18. Serious injury/fatality.

19. Loss of goodwill.

20. Equipment collapse duly high wind speed.

21. Loss of production

Control Measures

1. Provide accommodation close to the work location, if possible, to minimize traveling.

2. Always competent driver driving the vehicle.

3. Inspect the vehicle before traveling

4. Always follow road safety, rules, and regulations.

5. Ensure the vehicle is in good condition. Properly maintained.

6. Ensure the driver gets sufficient rest.

7. Do not use a Mobile phone while driving.

8. Ensure the driver is not influenced by alcohol and any drugs.

9. Fasten the seat belt while traveling.

10. Follow and adhere to the posted speed limit and signs.

11. Site safety induction for all personnel involved in the job.

12. Follow site safety rules and regulations. Conduct toolbox talk / pre-task talk before starting the job for general awareness of hazards at the worksite and prevention of the same.

13. Clearly define and communicate the roles & responsibilities of personnel involved on the job.

14. Assign trained, experienced, and competent personnel (Operators, Riggers) to the job, having a valid third-party certificate, and driving license.

15. Use appropriate/standard Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

16. Close supervision of activity by Supervisor.

17. Conduct site visits and route surveys.

18. Coordinate and communicate with client space/ground requirements for proper arrangements (ground leveling, compaction, GBP test, if necessary, etc.....)

19. Before entering the equipment on-site busy area the helper should assist to operator by signal.

20. Oversize or Heavy equipment movement escort vehicles shall be in place.

21. Check and ensure the site ground condition before setting up the crane Mark location points as per the approved Rigging Plan for crane set-up and/or load spreader mats laying.

22. Coordinate and communicate with the client, any obstacles found for temporary removal, if any.

23. Remove obstacles, if possible, and install temporary protection.

24. Wear a face mask properly at any time.

25. Implement the social distance rules wherever applicable.

26. Provide and Use Hand sanitizer and hand wash frequently.

27. Report any suspicious cases to the line manager immediately.

28. Regular COVID test for employees/involves COVID-19 vaccinated people in the working crew.

29. Modify work schedules to stagger work, and provide alternating workdays or extra shifts to reduce the total number of workers on a job site at any given time.

30. Reduce the number of individuals at meetings, including worker orientations, to increase the distance between individuals.

31. Body temperature readings should be maintained daily basis. Do not allow workers to share tools and equipment. If sharing cannot be eliminated, clean and disinfect between each use.

32. The employee should keep and use on water bottle

33. Conduct awareness programs

34. A work plan shall be made considering the weather forecast.

35. Follow the best work methodology to reduce the heat exposure time and reduce physical work.

36. Monitor weather and hot temperatures regularly, if high temperature stops the activities.

37. Follow the heat index chart.

38. Administrative control like job rotation and Regular Breaks shall be taken by the workmen during continuous work.

39. As per the UAE/state's/country's midday break rule,

40. No work shall be carried out in the open area between 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. from June 15 to September 15.

41. Temp, humidity, and visibility levels are to be monitored.

42. Close supervision by the concerned supervisor.

43. Allow for the acclimatization of new employees. Maintain buddy system. Provide temporary facilities like Ventilation at the work location, Air-conditioned rest shelter cool drinking water, etc.

44. Electrolyte or lemon solution shall be provided to all workmen to avoid dehydration.

45. Conduct Regular Health Check-up

46. Conduct Training and Pre task briefing

47. Emergency preparedness like Cool water, first aid box, first aider, and emergency vehicle shall be available at the work location.

48. Loose cloth shall be worn.

49. Once the weather condition is deemed safe to return, a full inspection of the areas will be conducted. Priority will be provided to conduct all remedial works to regain a safe functional site

50. All workers should keep their water bottles with water

51. During high temperatures, cold weather, foggy conditions, rain, and Sand storms the external work shall be stopped

52. Vehicle movement & lifting operations must be suspended during sand storms & foggy conditions. The work plan shall be made Considering the weather forecast

53. Conduct TBT before starting the work, discuss hazards and control measures with the lifting crew

54. Assign trained, experienced, and competent personnel (Operators, Riggers) to the job, having a valid third-party certificate

55. Ensure a road close permit is obtained before setting up the crane if required

56. Identify & mark the equipment's route

57. Before set up the crane site must be surveyed for existing facilities, to be identified and secured properly

58. All the existing facilities are to be identified and secured properly

59. Proper lighting is required in the work area if work is performed at night

60. Only competent driver man oeuvre Vehicle and Equipment

61. Appoint a flagman or bankman while maneuvering Heavy Vehicles and Equipment.

62. Use appropriate mechanical tools (forklifts, trolleys, etc.) to minimize manual handling.

63. Install barricade and signboards before the start of the work at the work area with an exclusion zone

64. Only authorized persons within the barricaded area Establish a safety exclusion zone preventing entry of unauthorized persons into the work area.

65. Close supervision of activity by Supervisor.

66. Use appropriate/standard Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

67. Avoid using cranes that are aging more than 20 years.

68. Proper maintenance & regular check-up of cranes.

69. Servicing of the crane at regular intervals.

70. Perform BPMS (Bob Preventive Maintenance System) and Maintenance Engineer Monthly Crane Inspection to avoid site malfunctions.

71. Daily inspection of the crane for oil spillage, fuel leak, extra smoke, etc.

72. An oil Spill kit is always available on the cranes to prevent oil spills in the event of an emergency leak.

73. 24/7 Maintenance service is required in case of any emergency hose bursts or breakdowns.

74. Emission control system to be fitted with the equipment.  All the cranes are equipped with catalytic converters. To avoid the hot particulars emission from the engine through exhaust most of the cranes are equipped with spark arrestors.

75. Comply with the Work Permit procedure while working at the site.

76. Conduct toolbox talk and pre-task talk before starting the job to aware personnel of hazards at the worksite and prevent the same.

77. Clearly define and communicate the roles & responsibilities of personnel involved.

78. Follow the approved Lifting Plan. And use lifting gears as per the Engineering study - lifting arrangement.

79. Inspect lifting tackles (slings, shackles, etc.) and ensure it is in good working condition, duly certified by a competent third party, and properly color-coded before use.

80. Assign trained, experienced, and competent personnel (Operators, Riggers) to the job, having the corrective and valid third-party certificate and driving license.

81. Assign trained and competent signalman/bank man.

82. Establish a safety exclusion zone preventing the entry of unauthorized persons into the work area.

83. Put relevant safety signages in place for awareness. Use proper access and egress (ladders, work platforms, etc.) when working at height.

84. Inspect fall protection (safety harness) before use when working at height and properly hooked to a lifeline or solid structure.

85. Check ladders and shoes for the presence of grease, oil, or mud to prevent slip, & trips.

86. Use appropriate mechanical tools (forklifts, trolleys, etc.) to minimize manual handling.

87. First-aid kit and certified first-aider to be present on site.

88. Use Personal Protective Equipment

89. Close supervision of activity by the Supervisor

90. Crane inspection is to be carried out before operating the crane and filling out the checklist.

91. Identify and mark the underground utility. (Manhole, Pit, Tranches, cables, and Pipes)

92. Check the GBP and maintain the certificate.

93. Site/job inspection by a competent person (lifting supervisor/lifting engineer) before the proposal.

94. Proper planning of the lifting operation by a competent lifting Engineer. Make sure that the approved LP and method of the statement are available before starting the job.

95. A work permit should be obtained before starting the job.

96. Ensure ground level is firm, compact, and free from any impediments.

97. Ensure outriggers are fully extended and lock pins inserted into the respective place.

98. Follow the equipment's load chart capacity.

99. Never attempt to move a load greater than SWL. (Safe working load)

100. Check advance weather reports within 24 hr.

101. Don’t exceed the allowable wind speed limit. (maximum allowable wind speed 10 m/sec)

102. Only trained and competent operators/riggers/supervisors are appointed for the task with valid third-party certification.

103. Conduct TBT before the start of work, and discuss hazards, risks, and control measures.

104. Install barricade around the crane setting area & display Signboard. (Lifting in progress)

105. Only authorized personnel within the lifting area.

106. Use tag lines to maneuver the load.

107. Adequate Supervision and proper communication to be established. Equipment should be well maintained and out of the defect.

108. Ensure all belts from loads are unlashed before lifting the load.

109. Do not leave the load suspended and never stand/walk under the lifting load. Avoid line of fire.

110. Wear PPE.

111. Means of communication will be in the same language.

112. Establish a safety exclusion zone preventing the entry of unauthorized persons into the work area.

113. Proper planning of the lifting by a competent lifting engineer.

114. Put relevant safety signages in place for awareness.

115. Remove personnel from the crane slew area.

116. Closely monitor the slewing area and route of the lifted item.

117. Make trail lift if any heavy lift.

118. Remove obstructions temporarily, if any.

119. Lifting Supervisor to monitor load movement constantly and communicate with the Operator regularly.

120. Assign trained, experienced, and competent personnel (Operators, Riggers) in the job, having valid third-party certificates and driving licenses. Assign trained, competent, and certified signalman/bank man to give signals to the Operator during lifting.

121. Use appropriate communication tools (radios or standard hand signals) during lifting.

122. Avoid working/staying under suspended loads whenever possible.

123. Use taglines with appropriate lengths to control load movements.

124. Monitor weather forecast/wind speed regularly during lifting.

125. Stop activity when wind speed exceeds crane wind speed tolerance as per the Manufacturer's manual and other relevant legal requirements.

126. Use appropriate/standard Personal Protective Equipment.

127. Close supervision of activity by Supervisor.

128. All waste is removed from the site and disposed of in the designated waste skip

129. Remove warning tape when hazard is removed/when the job is finished

130. Make sure the area is safe before starting housekeeping activity

131. Do not keep hands and fingers in trap points, Use appropriate tools

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