
Tuesday, August 15, 2023





This health and safety document "MEDICAL EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN" is uploaded by hse documents in Word format. A medical emergency refers to a situation in which a person's life, health, or well-being is at immediate risk due to a sudden and severe medical condition. These emergencies require urgent and often immediate medical attention to prevent serious harm or even death. Medical emergencies can be caused by various factors, including accidents, injuries, sudden illnesses, medical conditions, or exacerbation of pre-existing health issues.

Examples of medical emergencies include:

Cardiac Arrest: 

A sudden loss of heart function, where the heart stops pumping blood effectively.


A sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain leads to neurological symptoms like numbness, weakness, difficulty speaking, or loss of consciousness.

Severe Bleeding: 

Uncontrolled or heavy bleeding, often due to accidents or injuries.


When an object blocks the airway, preventing normal breathing.

Severe Allergic Reactions: 

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic response that can cause difficulty breathing, swelling, and a drop in blood pressure.


Uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain leads to convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Difficulty Breathing: 

Conditions like asthma attacks, severe pneumonia, or a collapsed lung can lead to difficulty breathing.

Severe Trauma: 

Major injuries such as fractures, head injuries, or severe burns.


Ingesting toxic substances that can cause serious harm.

Diabetic Emergencies: 

Extremely high or low blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes can lead to emergencies.

In any of these situations, it's crucial to seek immediate medical assistance by calling emergency services (such as 911 in the United States/999 United Arab Emirates) or seeking help at a hospital or medical facility. Proper and timely medical intervention can make a significant difference in the outcome and recovery of the person facing a medical emergency. It's important to stay calm and provide any relevant information to emergency responders when seeking help for a medical emergency.

1. Introduction to Medical Emergencies

A. Definition of a medical emergency

B. Importance of timely intervention

C. Examples of common medical emergencies

2. Recognizing a Medical Emergency

A. Sudden onset of severe symptoms

1. Unconsciousness or altered mental state

2. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

3. Severe chest pain or pressure

4. Profuse bleeding or severe trauma

B. Changes in appearance or behavior

1. Pale, ashen, or bluish skin

2. Sweating or clamminess

3. Agitation or confusion

C. Specific emergency indicators

1. Stroke symptoms (FAST: Face, Arms, Speech, and Time)

2. Anaphylactic reactions (swelling, difficulty breathing)

3. Seizure activity

3. Immediate Actions

A. Call for help

1. Dial emergency services (e.g., 911)

2. Provide clear and accurate information

B. Ensuring safety

1. Move the person away from danger if possible

2. Administer basic first aid (if trained) while waiting for help

3. Clear the area for medical responders

4. Basic First Aid

A. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

1. Assess for responsiveness and breathing

2. If not breathing, begin CPR (chest compressions and rescue breaths)

B. Bleeding Control

1. Apply direct pressure to wounds

2. Elevate injured limbs (if appropriate)

C. Choking Relief

1. Perform the Heimlich maneuver for conscious victims

2. Modified techniques for infants and unconscious victims

5. Communicating with Emergency Responders

A. Provide accurate information

1. Nature of the emergency

2. Location and any landmarks

3. Number of people involved

B. Follow the dispatcher's instructions

C. Stay on the line until advised to hang up

6. Comfort and Reassurance

A. Stay calm and composed

B. Offer comfort to the victim

C. Reassure them that help is on the way

7. Prevention and Preparedness

A. Encourage awareness of personal health conditions

B. First aid and CPR training for individuals

C. Basic emergency supplies at home, workplace, and vehicles

8. Conclusion

A. Recap the importance of prompt action in medical emergencies

B. Emphasize the role of trained professionals in providing appropriate care

C. Encourage continuous learning and preparedness for medical emergencies

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