
Saturday, July 15, 2023




Joint Advance

Many forms of joint pain are directly related to a deficiency of healthy cartilage in the joints. The cartilage that lubricates and cushions the joints of the body experiences wear and tear daily. In healthy joints, wear and tear is repaired via a biological balancing process. To keep joints healthy, damaged cartilage is constantly removed through enzymatic deconstruction and replaced via new cartilage synthesis. This balance is crucial to good joint health.

As many people and animals age, their bodies progressively lose the ability to synthesize the glycosaminoglycans necessary to synthesize the new cartilage tissues needed to repair injuries and everyday wear and tear.

During times of stress (such as injury) or disease (i.e. certain forms of arthritis), the deconstructive enzymes in the joints may attack healthy cartilage or compete against new cartilage synthesis.

Where does it come from?

While Chondroitin Sulfate is found in the cartilaginous tissues of many invertebrates, the Chondroitin Sulfate utilized in health food supplements is usually derived from Cattle, Pigs, or Sharks.

What source is best?

When good quality materials are compared, it is believed that the source of the material has little to do with its effectiveness. Companies usually choose material based on varying economic, social, and ethical standards.

For example, in markets where customers are especially sensitive to the issue of BSE - Mad Cow’s Disease (such as certain European markets), a company may choose to utilize a shark material rather than one from a bovine source (cattle). On the other hand, Bovine material may be more appropriate for a customer that is interested in a material to satisfy a market that understands BSE and the precautions taken by companies such as IRMA Corporation to ensure product safety.

IRMA Corporation provides cartilage derived from several animal sources. Our representatives are prepared to answer questions regarding any other concerns and sensitivities that may arise.

What are Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate?

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are substances found naturally in the body. Glucosamine is a form of amino sugar that is believed to play a role in cartilage formation and repair. Chondroitin sulfate is part of a large protein molecule (proteoglycan) that gives cartilage elasticity.

Both glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are sold as dietary or nutritional supplements. They are extracted from animal tissue: glucosamine from crab, lobster, or shrimp shells; and chondroitin sulfate from animal cartilage, such as tracheas or shark cartilage.

What do they do?

Past studies show that some people with mild to moderate osteoarthritis (OA) taking either glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate reported pain relief at a level similar to that of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Some research indicates that the supplements might also slow cartilage damage in people with OA. Definitive results about the effects of these supplements are expected from an in-depth clinical study currently being conducted by the National Institutes of Health.

What is Glucosamine?

Glucosamine is a natural compound that is found in healthy cartilage. Glucosamine sulfate is a normal constituent of glycosaminoglycans in the cartilage matrix and synovial fluid.

Available evidence from randomized controlled trials supports the use of glucosamine sulfate in the treatment of osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee. It is believed that the sulfate moiety provides clinical benefit in the synovial fluid by strengthening cartilage and aiding glycosaminoglycan synthesis. If this hypothesis is confirmed, it would mean that only the glucosamine sulfate form is effective, and non-sulfated glucosamine forms are not effective. Glucosamine is commonly taken in combination with chondroitin, a glycosaminoglycan derived from articular cartilage. The use of complementary therapies, including glucosamine, is common in patients with osteoarthritis and may allow for reduced doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

Suffering From Joint Pain?

Joint pain can be caused by any number of things. It can be the result of an injury or overuse of the joint. If your joint pain is caused by arthritis, you will need to begin your search for an effective way to treat it. But, to do that, you need to know the symptoms of arthritis. All forms of arthritis share the common symptoms of severe pain, loss of range of motion, and a diminished quality of life. What you will find is that this painful, life-altering condition can be found in any individual at any time in their lives. But, there are joint pain treatments that can be effective.

The first thing to do when you have joint pain is to go to a doctor. Symptoms of arthritis include severe pain in the joints and other factors as mentioned above. If your pain is accompanied by a fever, the advice of a doctor is urgent because this specific type of arthritis can be deadly. Arthritis can be brought on by any number of things including overuse of the joint, sports, injury, and degeneration of the joints through time. In any case, it is important to relay to your doctor when it was first noticed, any related injuries you may have had, and what types of activities you perform regularly. Your doctor will determine if the pain is arthritis through X-rays and blood tests. Once the doctor knows which type you have, treatments can begin.

For instance, joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis is a function of the immune system destroying the cartilage in the joints affected. Cartilage is what keeps the bones from grinding against each other. As your immune system eats away at your joint cartilage, pain is brought on by the formation of nerve endings in the affected area. Eventually, the pain is so severe that mobility in those joints is virtually impossible.

But, again, some treatments can help or reverse the damage and pain. Your doctor can lead your treatment and some things you might expect could include surgery, pain medication, physical therapy, and even loss of use of the joint. But, there are other forms of medication as well. One of the most beneficial medications is a simple natural food supplement that is not even medicine at all. It is a natural treatment that is called collagen type II. When taken, this product can stop the pain by stopping the immune system’s battle against your joints. It can then help to repair the damage. In some cases, patients saw results within days, in others, it took up to a few months. There are no known side effects of this treatment.

No matter what your joint pain is caused by or how you will treat it, the most important thing to remember is that you can find treatment. You can find it in several ways, which gives everyone a solution to try. Joint pain can effectively change and ruin your life if you let it. Or, you can fight back and regain your body’s well-being.

Arthritis Treatments

Arthritis Treatment Overview

We use this title because not all arthritis treatment is, shall we say, enjoyable. If you suffer from the painful effects of this debilitating condition though, very little can seem worse. The pain is often so severe that the simplest movements can cause anguish and even tears. But, there are treatments to help arthritis. Can they cure it? That is still to be seen, but many have shown to be effective in fighting off the pain. First, there are many different types of arthritis. The causes of each will help to determine the treatment. But, here, we will talk mainly about the treatment options available and then those that are quite possibly the best at treating rheumatoid arthritis.

The symptoms of any arthritis start with pain. There is a pain in the joints in a way that limits the amount of movement a person has. Now, remember, as well, that arthritis can strike any individual, not necessarily just older people. So, if a child stops using a limb complaining of pain, a doctor should be seen. On top of this, if symptoms of pain are accompanied by fever a doctor should be seen immediately as this can be a sign of a deadlier arthritis known as septic arthritis. In all cases, arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. The problem with rheumatoid arthritis is that, in trying to deal with the inflammation, the immune system ends up attacking the cartilage in the joints. The result is pain and lessened use of the affected joint.

To stop this process, arthritis treatments can be anything from surgery to medications. There are some good notes about medications, but in the end, they can not resolve the entire problem, only mask the pain for a while. Surgery is invasive and costly. Physical treatment is available and has shown good progress in helping some patients. There are also herbal remedies that have shown good signs of helping as well. There is one product that we would like to mention in a little more detail. What is so unique about this product, though, is that it is a natural treatment that can be taken.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, in particular, collagen type II can be just as good as a cure for some individuals. This natural substance is a main component of cartilage itself. But, no injections are needed because this is an oral treatment. You will take a pill, in other words. There are many reasons why this medication works including the fact that it has an absorption rate of 70 to 90 percent. This means more of it is used and fewer doses are needed. There are other reasons why it works so well.

For instance, the immune system has a component of cells in the intestine called the GALT. This is where proteins are recognized as food or “friend” and therefore not treated as allergies or sensitivities by the digestive system. When collagen type II is ingested, the GALT recognizes this amino acid as a friendly protein. This action switches off the immune system’s attack on collagen elsewhere in the body as in arthritic joints. Instead of the immune system fighting the inflammation and destroying the remaining good material, the Galt simply tells it to stop. And, probably the most important aspect of this natural arthritis treatment is that it can also help to rebuild the damaged and destroyed cartilage. The combination of these two factors can help to restore a normal way of life.

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