
Saturday, July 15, 2023




Quit Smoking, Nicocure

There are countless ways to quit smoking, and the majority of smokers have tried their hands at most of them. There is the old “cold turkey” standby that tends to send people into a painful period of withdrawal that eventually causes them to start smoking again. There are also nicotine-based cessation programs like gum, patches, and lozenges. While many of these result in short-term success, they usually don’t help you quit smoking for good.

Ultra-Herbal offers one of the safest and most effective ways to quit smoking on the market today: Nicocure. These all-natural pills are fully effective 97 percent of the time. Instead of releasing more of an addictive chemical into your system, Nicocure pills utilize a proprietary, all-natural formula to rid your body of its need for nicotine. Why try to break a nicotine habit by giving your body more of this dangerous chemical? Try Nicocure instead for a safe, all-natural alternative to those ineffective, nicotine-based gums and patches.

Results or Your Money Back - With Nicocure, you simply take one pill a day for 30 days. In many cases, users see satisfying results within the first 10 days! Even when this occurs, however, it is a good idea to continue the process for the full 30 days. If for some reason you are not happy with your progress after 20 days, you can return the remainder of your pills and get a full refund on your purchase (minus shipping and handling).

Nicocure pills give you the best opportunity to quit smoking fast and for good. They make quitting easy and comfortable, eliminating withdrawal symptoms. They are also equally effective for people who have just started smoking and those who have tried to quit for years. And because Nicocure is all-natural, you know that’s completely safe. For the stop smoking aid that truly breaks the nicotine cycle, try Nicocure today, completely risk-free.

Tobacco Control

American Lung Association Report Shows 2007 Shaping Up to be a Banner Year for Tobacco Control Policies.

Mid-Year Update Details Progress to Date in 2007;

7 States Significantly Strengthened Smokefree Air Laws, 8 Raised Tobacco Taxes

New York, NY (July 24, 2007) – In 2007, many states have taken strong action to protect their citizens from tobacco by making public places and workplaces smoke-free, raising tobacco taxes, and passing laws to protect citizens from cigarette-caused fires, according to a report released today by the American Lung Association.

In the 2007 Mid-Term Update to its publication State Legislated Actions on Tobacco Issues or SLATI, the Lung Association summarizes state tobacco control laws enacted in 2007 on smoke-free air, tobacco taxes, smoking prevention spending, and fire-safety standards for cigarettes among other issues.

“In January 2006, the American Lung Association issued its Smokefree Air 2010 Challenge, urging all states to adopt strong smoke-free air laws. The 2007 SLATI Mid-Term Report shows significant progress continues to be made. 22 states and the District of Columbia have laws fully protecting their citizens from secondhand smoke. We challenge policymakers in the remaining states to do the same,” said Bernadette A. Toomey, President and CEO of the American Lung Association.

Also in 2007, eight states increased their cigarette taxes, already matching the total for all of 2006. Forty-three states and the District of Columbia have increased their cigarette tax at least once since 2002. “We are encouraged that states continue to increase tobacco taxes, which makes cigarettes more costly. Higher cigarette prices deter young people from starting to smoke and help motivate adult smokers to quit,” said Toomey.

An increasing number of states have approved legislation setting fire-safety standards for cigarettes. Twelve states approved this legislation in 2007, and three more states have legislation awaiting action by the governor. “This legislation is vital in the fight to reduce the 700 to 900 deaths annually from fires caused by cigarettes and other smoking materials,” she added.

A PDF copy of the 2007 SLATI Mid-Term Report is available online. This website is also the home of the online version of SLATI, which is updated regularly to reflect changes in state tobacco control laws throughout the year.

About the American Lung AssociationBeginning our second century, the American Lung Association is the leading organization working to prevent lung disease and promote lung health. Lung disease death rates continue to increase while other leading causes of death have declined. The American Lung Association funds vital research on the causes of and treatments for lung disease. With the generous support of the public, the American Lung Association is “Improving life, one breath at a time.

Stop Smoking Products

If you are like most smokers, you have tried to quit using all of the stop-smoking products available. You may even have experienced momentary success, only to find that weeks, months, or years later you picked up the habit again. Fortunately, Ultra Herbal has the safest and most effective stop-smoking product to hit the market.

Our Nicocure pills do not use nicotine like most gums and patches do. Instead, they use a combination of homeopathic natural formulas that eliminate your body’s need for cigarettes. If you use Nicocure pills to quit, you may see results quickly, often within 10 days, and after 30 days, your urge to smoke may be gone forever.

No Withdrawal Symptoms - Smokers often find withdrawal to be the hardest thing to deal with when trying to quit. Symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, mental and physical stress, and weight gain can force you to pick up a pack faster than you would normally! Our all-natural pills allow you to avoid all of those symptoms. Nicocure mimics the effects of nicotine without introducing harmful chemicals into your system, so you can stay relaxed and calm as you quit.

Most stop-smoking products only help 20 percent of the people who use them to quit. That means 80 percent of the people who use them get no help at all! On the other hand, 97 percent of those who have used Nicocure have found success. If you do not get the results you are looking for from our pills, we will refund your money in full. Why not try Nicocure today and start feeling better immediately?

Image by Martin Büdenbender from Pixabay

Stop Smoking Help

If you have been unsuccessful in your attempts to quit smoking, you have probably experienced those moments when the withdrawal symptoms are too much to handle or the cravings simply become too powerful to ignore. These moments can occur even when you are using an aid like nicotine gum or a nicotine patch. Unfortunately, once you cheat and pick up a cigarette, you can quickly become a full-time smoker again.

At Ultra-Herbal, we carry the amazingly effective Nicocure, an all-natural pill that can help you avoid those moments for good. Our pills imitate the effects of nicotine without putting any of these harmful chemical into your body. Instead, Nicocure relies on all-natural ingredients such as Lobelia Inflata. This means that you will not experience symptoms such as unrest, tension, fatigue, irritability, or weight gain while you are quitting. It also means that nicotine will be flushed completely from your system and your cravings will disappear.

By using Nicocure each day for 30 days, you can lose the desire to smoke. If during that time you feel the urge to smoke, don’t worry. Nicocure makes the taste of tobacco products unpleasant, killing the urge to cheat! This method is always safe, and 97 percent of users have had success.

Nicocure pills do not cause any side effects. However, if you do smoke while using them, you can experience nausea and dizziness, helping you to kick the habit itself as well as the nicotine craving. Plus, Nicocure is equally effective for cigarettes, chewing, and any other forms of tobacco. Once you start using these incredible pills, you’ll notice results quickly, and your urge to smoke may be gone in less than two short weeks. Try Nicocure today to see what a difference the right stop-smoking aid can make!

Stop Smoking Aids

Stop Smoking aids continue to flood the market, giving hope to those who have been unsuccessfully trying to quit for years. While many of the products available will help you reduce your cigarette cravings for some time, the majority of them are not successful at helping you quit for good. Most stop-smoking aids only work 20 percent of the time!

On the other hand, Nicocure pills work 97 percent of the time. The reason behind this incredible success rate is that they take an entirely different approach to the situation. Most products give you small doses of nicotine throughout the day in hopes that your addiction will subside. Our pills were designed by people who realized that to quit, you have to remove nicotine from your system entirely. Plus, the active ingredients in Nicocure pills are all-natural, so you don’t have to worry about trading one addiction for another.

People are often concerned about the withdrawal symptoms like weight gain, tension, and fatigue that go along with quitting “cold turkey.” Our pills eliminate these painful and frustrating symptoms by reproducing the effect that nicotine has on your body. The result is a smooth, relaxed transition from smoker to non-smoker.

Nicocure pills are more effective and safer than any other product on the market. Our faith in this product is so strong, we are willing to offer you a money-back guarantee. If you try our pills for 20 days and you are unhappy with the results, you can send back the remainder of your pills to receive a full refund. To get started, you can order your supply of Nicocure today!

Smoking Cessation Program

It’s hard to find a smoking cessation program that’s truly effective. Most remedies on the market do little more than slightly reduce your cravings for a short time. That’s not enough to make you quit! Still, you know you need to quit; after only a year of quitting, your risk of smoking-related heart disease is cut in half, and after five to 15 years, your risk of stroke returns to a normal level!

At Nicocure, we offer an innovative, all-natural solution that will help you quit for good. Our natural Nicocure pills are the safest and most effective products on the market, enjoying a 97 percent success rate! Compare that to the 20 percent success rate of most smoking cessation programs, and you can see why more people are turning to safe and effective Nicocure. These pills allow you to quit without experiencing the common symptoms of withdrawal like irritability, tension, insomnia, and weight gain.

When you use most quit-smoking programs, you are still introducing nicotine into your system. This does not give you the chance to ever rid your body of the substance you are addicted to, so your cravings never truly subside. No wonder so many people start smoking again after a few weeks or months! Our pills use a combination of natural formulas that eliminate your need for cigarettes and other tobacco products.

When you use Nicocure pills, you will still experience the “calmness” that you associate with smoking, because these pills mimic the effect that nicotine has on your brain and your body. However, you will not be introducing anything harmful into your system, and after 30 days or less, you will find that your cigarette cravings have simply disappeared. With Nicocure, you can make a difference in your health, starting today!

If you are a smoker, there is a good chance that you have received tips to quit smoking from all of your friends and family at one point or another. Most of these tips are passed on by people who have quit smoking for a month or two and will be smoking again in time. Here’s a tip that will truly help you stay away from cigarettes for good: try all-natural Nicocure pills.

Instead of using nicotine, like most other products on the market, Nicocure pills employ an effective homeopathic formula to remove your desire to smoke. Natural herbs and extracts like Lobelia Inflata work quickly as expectorants for the lungs and they alter the taste of tobacco products, too. Even if you attempt to smoke while using our pills, the experience will be an unpleasant one, making it easy to drop that smoking habit once and for all.

Help Quit Smoking

The world is filled with people who believe quitting smoking is simply a matter of willpower. The majority of those people are, of course, non-smokers. If you are a smoker who has tried to quit only to fail time and time again, the problem does not lie with your will or desire. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on Earth, and you will have a much better chance of success if you have some help.

You can walk into any pharmacy and find countless products that are designed to help you quit smoking. The problem is that most of them do not work. Many of the gums and patches on the market contain nicotine, so even as you are using them to quit, you still can’t get the chemical out of your system! At Ultra Herbal, our Nicocure pills offer you an effective, natural alternative to the nicotine-derived products on the market.

Our pills represent the fastest and safest way for you to quit smoking. By combining the effects of a variety of natural formulas, Nicocure pills can reproduce the properties of nicotine without the harm of nicotine. They allow your brain to release dopamine just as it does when you smoke. This means that you will not undergo the mental and physical stress generally associated with quitting. With Nicocure, you can quickly and safely be on your way to a healthier you!

When you use our pills, you’ll find that you lose the desire to smoke completely. Even if you get the urge to cheat during the process, after one puff, you’ll find that Nicocure makes smoking unpleasant–the temptation will be gone! We are so confident that our natural alternative will work for you that we offer a full money-back guarantee. There’s nothing to lose!

Cigarette Smoking Responsible for 1 of 5 Deaths

American Lung Association Report Shows 2007 Shaping Up to be a Banner Year for Tobacco Control Policies.

Cigarette smoking has been identified as the number one preventable cause of morbidity and premature mortality worldwide. Smoking is responsible for approximately one in five deaths in the United States. From 1997 to 2001, smoking killed an estimated 438,000 people in the United States each year. This includes an estimated 259,494 male and 178,404 female deaths annually. Among adults, the three leading specific causes of smoking-attributable deaths were lung cancer (123,836), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (90,582), and ischemic heart disease (86,801).

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Annual Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost, and Productivity Losses * U.S., 1997-2001. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 2005; 54(25); 625-628.

These statistics alone ought to be reason enough to warrant strong tobacco control laws such as cigarette tax increases and increased funding for tobacco prevention programs, but every year new studies show that the harmful effects of smoking not only affect the smoker but also the workers and general public exposed to secondhand smoke.

This website is home to the online version of State Legislated Actions on Tobacco Issues (SLATI), which tracks state tobacco control laws, such as state restrictions on smoking in public places and workplaces and state tobacco taxes, on an ongoing basis. It is the only resource of its kind in tobacco control today providing up-to-date information on tobacco control laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. You can learn more about SLATI here.

Below is a list of just some of the reports and information on tobacco control laws and policies found on this site. Please explore the various areas and learn how to get involved in the important fight for strong tobacco control laws and policies. As many of the inspirational people who are living with lung disease will tell you, it’s a fight we cannot afford to lose.

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