
Monday, July 31, 2023



1.0.  Execution

1.1.  The Objective of the Mock Drill

Conducting a rescue from height mock drill scenario at [Project site] by [Company Name] for its FM-MEP team was an essential training exercise to prepare emergency response teams There are personnel for real-life situations where individuals may be stranded or injured at a height. This could happen in a construction site accident, a person trapped on a rooftop, or a malfunction in a high-rise building. Here's a step-by-step guide on how a rescue from height mock drill scenario was established and successfully executed:

1.2.  Safety Briefing and Planning

Before starting the mock drill, all gather participants and conduct a thorough safety briefing. Adhere to safety protocols and use proper personal protective equipment during the exercise. Roles were assigned to team members, including a team leader, rescuers, safety representative, communication coordinators, and one of the volunteers acting as victims.

1.3. Scenario

A pre-set mock drill scenario was developed to simulate a scaffold-related emergency. A scaffolding structure at an appropriate height was created to ensure it is safe and stable. Mannequins or volunteers in strategic positions on the scaffold act as victims in need of rescue.

1.4. Communication and Coordination

A clear communication protocol between the rescue team and the communication center was created. Because it was planned as a sudden incident scenario, so no use of radios or other communication devices was taken into consideration.

1.5. Equipment Inspection

All rescue equipment, such as harnesses, ropes, carabineers, and helmets, were carefully and closely observed and found in excellent working and secure condition before commencing the mock drill. The success of any height-related rescue operation depends on safety equipment.

1.6. Deployment and Initial Assessment

The mock drill was started by shouting to the team leader and other participants (Co-Workers)-the emergency response team. The team leader Project Engineer [Project Engineer] immediately directed the rescuers to respond to the scaffold incident. The other Rescue volunteers assessed the scene, identified potential hazards, and determined the number of (victims) and his/their condition.

1.7. Rescue Strategy and Execution

Based on the assessment, the team leader Project Engineer [Project Engineer], and rescuers developed a rescue strategy. They determined the best approach to reach the victims safely. This involved climbing the scaffold, making teamwork, or employing other suitable techniques.

1.8. Victim Care and Securing

As the rescuers reached the victim, they provided immediate attention and secured him with helping hands as a whole rescue team to prevent further injury.

1.9. Lowering and Evacuation

The volunteer/victim was safely lowered to the ground carefully to ensure a smooth and secure descent.

1.10. Debriefing and Evaluation

A thorough debriefing session after the mock drill was conducted by the Team Leader [Project Engineer]. A comprehensive discussion about what went has occurred during the rescue operation and identified areas that need improvement feedback and suggestions for enhancing their skills were given to all team members.

1.11. Training Improvement

Based on the debriefing feedback, the rescue protocols were refined, issues were reviewed and planned to provide additional training sessions as necessary. Regularly conducting such mock drills is necessary to maintain the team's readiness and proficiency in handling scaffold and or other work at eight related emergencies.

Remember, mock drills are critical for enhancing emergency response capabilities and preparing rescue teams to handle height-related incidents effectively and safely. A successful rescue training program involves practice, feedback, and continuous improvement.

2.0. Essential Lessons Learned from the Mock Drill

The following are key lessons are/to be Learned:

From the above mock drill scenario involving a scaffolding incident at a work-at-height, several essential lessons can be learned to improve emergency response and safety practices. Here are some key takeaways:

2.1. Importance of Safety Briefing

The mock drill reinforced the significance of conducting a comprehensive safety briefing before any work-at-height activity emphasizing the use of personal protective equipment and adhering to safety protocols that can prevent accidents.

2.2. Regular Training and Drills

The mock drill highlighted the importance of regular training and mock drills for the emergency response team. Regular practice helps responders stay familiar with protocols, improves coordination, and enhances response efficiency during real emergencies.

2.3. Equipment Inspection and Maintenance

Rescue equipment must be well-maintained. The mock drill emphasized the need to check harnesses, ropes, carabineers, and other tools before deployment to prevent equipment failure during a rescue operation.

2.4. Effective Communication

Effective communication is vital during any rescue operation. The drill showcased the significance of clear communication channels between the rescue team and a communication center to ensure smooth coordination and information exchange.

2.5. Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification

The drill underlined the importance of conducting a proper risk assessment before initiating a rescue from height. It's important to identify potential dangers and risks at the scene for a safe and effective rescue strategy.

2.6. Quick Response and Assessment

The drill demonstrated the value of a prompt emergency response and initial scene assessment. The quicker the rescue team arrives, the quicker they can help the victims.

2.7. Team Coordination and Leadership

Effective team coordination and strong leadership are essential for successful rescue operations. The mock drill highlighted the significance of having a capable team leader who can delegate tasks, make quick decisions, and ensure everyone works cohesively.

2.8. Victim Care and Securing

Properly attending to the victims and providing medical care as needed is crucial during a rescue. The drill emphasized the importance of securing victims in harnesses or safety equipment to prevent additional injuries during the evacuation process.

2.9. Evacuation Techniques

The mock drill provided an opportunity to practice various evacuation techniques, such as lowering victims using ropes and pulleys or aerial lifts. Familiarity with these techniques is vital to execute a safe and controlled evacuation.

2.10. Debriefing and Continuous Improvement

Post-drill debriefings enable the team to discuss the exercise's successes and areas for improvement. Encouraging open feedback and implementing changes based on the debriefing outcomes helps refine the team's response capabilities.

2.11. Stress Management and Adaptability

Mock drills can simulate high-stress situations, helping the team build resilience and adaptability in challenging circumstances. Responders can learn to manage stress and maintain focus during critical rescue operations.

By incorporating these lessons into future training and emergency response protocols, the team can enhance their preparedness, efficiency, and effectiveness when responding to real incidents involving work at height.

3.0. Personnel to Be Notified

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Primary Investigator/HSE

Facility/Client’s Representative


4.0. References

COP Safe Use of Lifting Equipment and Lifting Accessories

COP Working at Heights

COP Scaffolding

COP Ladders

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