
Friday, July 14, 2023



Reasons we gain weight

Hoodia, Weight Loss

Do you ever wonder exactly why it is that you gain weight? You feel like you’re doing everything right, or maybe you aren’t, but you have these past experiences where you thought you were doing all the right things and you still gained weight or just didn’t lose. There are many reasons people gain weight even if they think they’re doing everything they’re supposed to do or even if they have tried in the past.

Reason number one is genetics. That’s right – genetics may be the cause of your weight gain. Don’t go blaming your family members though as this may be a problem stemming from many generations. Each cell in your body is connected to a nucleus that contains all of your genes and chromosomes. The way your body is made up is inherited from your parents, genetics from their parents, and so on. This genetic makeup is responsible for the way your body and your mind behave and interact with each other.

Weight gain can also be caused by health issues. Sometimes these health issues cannot be helped, so you gain weight. Health problems that can attribute to weight gain are hypothyroidism, which is a hormone deficiency that causes appetite loss and weight gain, or food sensitivity which is not always immediate. Food sensitivity can happen hours later and cause bloating and swelling in extremities. Also, prescription drug use can cause fluid retention and increased appetite. Then you have anxiety, depression, blood sugar imbalance, diabetes and so many other health problems that cause weight gain.

What about where you live? Did you ever think that you might be gaining weight because of your environment? Your personal environment can help you to adopt poor eating habits because how our society is all about speed and convenience. Some examples of speed and convenience are taking the elevator instead of walking a flight of stairs, remote controls on your television instead of getting up and changing the channel, going to get fast food through a drive-through instead of going inside or just staying home and cooking the same thing you were going to the drive-through for. Being depressed, sitting at home, and not being physically active enough can make you eat when you aren’t really hungry or overeat.

Our lifestyles are a significant factor in why we gain or lose weight. When you consume more energy in the form of food and drinks that your body uses every day, you will gain weight instead of lose it. When you consume less energy in the form of food and beverages that your body needs, then you will lose weight. Watching what you eat and drink and how often you exercise is a necessity. You must exercise several times a week to burn those calories from what you eat and drink, or you will continue to gain weight instead of maintaining or losing weight. There are so many reasons people gain weight. Being educated about those reasons is the first step in understanding your body and understanding weight gain for the average person. Continue taking the steps necessary to understand why your body is the way it is so that you can become a healthier you.

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