
Thursday, July 20, 2023




Bad breath, bronchitis, dehydration, frostbite, gout, hangover, impotence, incontinence, infertility, insomnia, ulcers, high triglyceride levels, and wrinkles— these are only some of the commonly reported negative results from drinking alcoholic beverages like beer.

Alcohol is the oldest-known drug in human culture and has been used for more than 3500 years. Alcohol is a small molecule that can easily pass through cell membranes and can be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. An adequate supply of alcohol in the body can be used as a source of food but high concentrations of such are toxic and could be fatal.

But unlike other alcoholic beverages, beer would probably be the most healthy and beneficial of all.

Why? Because beer is made of natural substances that in one way or another nourish our body and can also be used as a treatment for different serious illnesses if consumed in moderation—one drink daily for women and two for men.

Here are the 10 illnesses that can be effectively treated by drinking a beer:

Heart Disease – Heart disease has always been the most common cause of mortality for a couple of decades according to World Health Organization. However, a moderate beer intake can save you from the risk of this silent killer. In a pioneer study conducted at Italy’s Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura involving 200,000 subjects, it had been discovered that people who drank a pint of beer daily had a 31% reduced chance of having heart disease.

This may be because of the protecting power of this natural antioxidant called phenol which is widely present in beer. However, it was also shown in the study that the intense intake of beer can also increase the risk of having heart disease.

Diabetes – Aside from being an effective shield against the silent killer, beer can also be an effective shield against the sweet disease— diabetes, which is also regarded as the most widely-spread metabolic disease in the world. In a 2011 Harvard study involving 38,000 middle-aged men who drink one to two beers daily had less than a 25% chance of developing type 2 diabetes or also known as diabetes mellitus.

Insulin is the number one thing that a diabetic lacks but with the alcohol content present in a beer, it can trigger insulin sensitivity and can therefore prevent and treat you from the curse of diabetes. In addition to that, beer also contains a good source of soluble fiber which plays a critical role in the healthy diet of people especially those who are diabetics.

Cancer – Drinking beer moderately based on various scholarly studies is shown to have been an important protective tool against cancers specifically prostate cancer for men and breast cancer for women. This takes place because of the xanthohumol present in the beer. Xanthohumol displays impressive powerful anti-cancer properties that prevent the formation of cancer-causing enzymes in the body.

Kidney Stones – In a Finnish study, it was found that moderate daily consumption of beer makes you 40% less susceptible to kidney stones. If we carefully analyze the contents of the beer, this drink registers a very high water content of about 93% which helps dilute the urine, prevents high concentrations of urine that clumping together to form stones, helps flush harmful toxins in the body, and keeps the kidneys properly working. Another factor for this is that compounds in hops used in brewing help decrease the release of calcium from bones.

It has been noted that 92% of all stones are made of calcium that’s why the reduced amount of its concentration is a big factor in preventing kidney stones.

Alzheimer’s disease – According to Joe and Teresa Graedon, Alzheimer’s disease is among the cruelest of all diseases because ”it robs victims of their memory, their personality, and ultimately their dignity.” But with moderate beer consumption, you can always combat the ‘cruelty’ of this disease. Researchers from Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine carefully studied and evaluated various studies and concluded that moderate beer drinkers were 23% less prone to develop different forms of cognitive impairment including Alzheimer’s.

Different scientific studies like those of H. Jacquinn-Gadda’s Epidemiology implicate silicon in the brain’s absorption of aluminum which triggers the risk of cognitive impairment.

High Cholesterol Levels – Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol isn’t always bad because it helps build new cells, helps produce hormones, and insulates the nerves. But when your cholesterol level is very high, heart attack and stroke will be your problem. Unorthodox methods of treatment had emphasized the importance of indulging in moderate beer consumption in cutting high cholesterol levels. Barley, which is widely used used in brewing a beer contains a type of soluble fiber known as beta-glucans whose effectiveness in lowering cholesterol levels has been proven and tested through the years.

Hypertension – The third most prevalent chronic condition in the USA is no other than hypertension or high blood pressure— right behind sinusitis and arthritis. But the good news is that according to a Harvard study, it had been discovered that women aged 25 to 40 who practice a habit of drinking beer moderately were less likely to acquire high blood pressure compared to women who drink wine, gin, and other alcoholic beverages.

It’s because hypertension is very responsive to the diet you take and because beer contains natural antioxidants and other beneficial minerals, it has been prescribed in controlling the pressure under control.

Dandruff – Okay, dandruff is not a serious ailment but if it is left untreated, it can be serious.” Whatever you do, don’t ignore your dandruff or fall into scratch-and-itch cycle,” says Maria Hordinsky, M.D., a dermatologist and assistant professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School- Minneapolis. Ignoring and scratching it vigorously can only lead to the wounding of your scalp— making you susceptible to infections. However, an effective home remedy has been used for many decades as one of the best treatments for dandruff. This is because beer registers high levels of yeast and B vitamins that are very beneficial for hair.

Just get a bottle of beer and moist your hair with it two to three times a week. This method can eliminate dandruff and can also make your hair extra soft and shiny.

Bone Weakening – Beer is noted for being abundant in silicon— a beneficial mineral most especially associated with bone health. Silicon helps bones absorb calcium and also helps in the production of beneficial collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycans. A particular study done in Tufts way back in 2009 revealed that older individuals who drink once or twice a day have higher bone density and are therefore less susceptible to fractures compared to those who are non-beer drinkers. However, the overconsumption of beer can make a person prone to fractures.

Strokes – According to American Stroke Association, drinking beer moderately can make you 50% less likely to be victimized by strokes. The researchers of Harvard School of Public Health explain that moderate consumption of such helps prevent blood clots that block blood flow. In addition to that, this can also make the arteries very flexible which can in turn improve blood circulation.

Beers can only play a single role in your health, they can either be your best confidant or worst adversary.

Just take and consume beers in moderation if you want it to be





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