

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Most Specific Four Factors for Work Area Inspections

Workplace inspection safety Four Focus Items for Work Area Inspections particularly in relation to the Facility Management MEP work activities.

At any project, whether it is related to general construction or Facility Management MEP, immediate Work area health and safety observations through inspections are an essential and initial safe work practice (SWP) that should be accomplished before the start of any FM & MEP tasks. In the general industry, many work areas remain the same day in and day out. On the other contrary side, there are locations that we work in that are constantly changing.

No issue, if we are consistently working in the same work area without any alteration, and if there is any change in working environment, methods, machinery, equipment, or complying personnel, it is essential to do a complete inspection of it. There are general hazards that affect practically. Every workplace essentially focuses on four factors before starting work are:

  1. The condition of tools
  2. Organization of work areas
  3. Trip hazards
  4. Hand hazards

Now, we will discuss Four particular Items for Today’s Work Area Inspection

Tool Condition

  1. Handheld tools are continuously and frequently being used during work tasks and over time they are forced to take some abuse. Mostly, a variety of tools is utilized past their working life. And if we, still are used despite being expiry and damaged or not working as we expect from them, severe minor or major physical injuries and or asset damages can happen. 
  2. Make a comprehensive and careful Inspection of all handheld tools for their deteriorated handles, chipping, bending, or just non-functionality in general.

Organization of Work Area 

The working area in the site must be set up as per the requirements for health and safety from the client, state’s health and safety governing and compliance authorities, where all workers are free from dangers to their life, and they return to their home safely.

The term “Complacency”, often sets in when it comes to how we select to organize machinery, tools, materials, and equipment. 

Take the following an initial and honest look at how your work area is set up:

  1. Are there overhead hazards? 
  2. Are heavy items, materials, or objects that require to be lifted from the ground frequently? 
  3. Are essential parts, materials, or objects getting dirty or deteriorated from where they are fixed? 
  4. Think carefully, and positively and evaluate how changes or a rearrangement of a work location can make it a hazard-free working site.

Trip Hazards

  1. Trips are a common cause of injuries at work. 
  2. Objects on the ground level/floors, material, and objects hanging from shelves are just a few general examples of critical and fatal trip hazards at the site. 
  3. Slip and Trip hazards are some of the common and fewer hazards to eradicate from work areas.

Hand Hazards

As per the statics provided, and highlighted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 1 million workers are treated in the emergency room for hand injuries each year. 

Some general types of injuries to our hands are supposed to be:

  • Burns
  • Cuts
  • Crushed-by
  • Fractures.

Hazards that cause these hand injuries can be found nearly anywhere on our site as below:

  • Pinch points
  • Moving parts
  • Unguarded equipment
  • Hot surfaces
  • Dropped objects

All above-described types of hazards should be closely looked at when inducting for hand hazards during the inspection.


  1. These most specific four factors are just a small list of possible items you should pay attention to when identifying and mitigating hazards during a work area inspection. 
  2. Pay attention to these specific four factors initially today. 
  3. It is often what we consider small things or small hazards that cause the majority of injuries. 
  4. Avoid complacency when it comes to addressing any hazard in your work areas.

 The Most Specific Four Factors for Work Area Inspections

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The Most Specific Four Factors for Work Area Inspections 

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