

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

COVID-19-Prevention Occupational Health and Safety Checklist

To protect public and your workers, you can prepare the "COVID-19-Daily Inspection Checklist" checklist with the following points easily, and you can also use our ready to use checklist for free. the link is given at the end of these points. simply click on the link and download editable copy of the checklist. you are requested to share the link in your social media posts and also share with your friend’s circle to benefit them from HSE Document's free health and safety document’s digital products downloading facility.

1-Office COVID-19 Compliance

  • Are employees actively practising social distancing with a minimal distance of 1.5m from other staff?
  • Do all up to dated COVID-19 information available on the Office Notice boards?
  • Do hand hygiene posters and guidelines post in the washroom/office toilet facilities sufficiently?
  • Do daily cleaning logs maintain for the office, kitchen, toilet?
  • Have tables, countertops keyboard, mouses, copiers & printers been disinfected today?
  • Are hand sanitisers refilled daily?
  • Do washrooms have sufficient soap available for day use?
  • Are sufficient paper towels or air-heater available for hand drying in the washrooms?
  • Are paper or towels available for hand drying in the kitchen sufficiently?
  • Have frequently used surfaces been cleaned and sanitized e.g., door handles, handrails etc.?
  • Have employee body temperatures been recorded?
  • Are there sufficient numbers of face masks available in the office for workers who have developed a cough and sneeze?

2-Site Toilets / washrooms / Wudu Locations 

  • Are hand hygiene posters and guidelines posted in the washroom / toilet facilities sufficiently.
  • Do daily cleaning logs maintain for the washroom/ablutions?
  • Do washrooms have sufficient hand washer liquids/soap available for day-to-day use?
  • Do sufficient paper towels or air-heater available for hand drying in the washrooms?
  • Is the washroom main access door left open to limit touching? 
  • Are all extractor fans observed functional?
  • Has daily enhanced disinfecting of ablutions been conducted appropriately?
  • Are paper towels available in ablutions (Prayer Washing facilities) locations?

3-Areas where Workers Congregate

  • Have rest areas been well clean and maintained daily.
  • Do furniture (tables and chairs) are cleaned and disinfected daily before and after use.
  • Do employees actively and strictly practising and following social distancing with a minimal distance of 2.0 meters when possible?
  • Do daily cleaning logs maintain in rest and canteen areas?
  • Are Office notice boards kept up to date with COVID-19 information and guidelines sufficiently?
  • Are scaffold & Staircase handrails cleaned & disinfected frequently throughout the day?
  • Have all operational light and heavy machinery and tools such as tower Crane, Mobile Crane, Mobile Equipment, cradles and hoist operator instruments been cleaned and disinfected at every shift changes.
  • Is disinfection in employee/worker’s carrying vehicle is being carried out before and after having workers use the busses?
  • Is there sufficient PPE available for first aiders /Male nurse to perform their duties?
  • Has proper induction training been minimized to 10 workers at a time with appropriate social distancing compliance?

Download file👇

COVID-19-Daily Inspection Checklist

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