Working at height, particularly on high-rise buildings particularly while External Façade & Canopies Cleaning with BMU is always very risky. following are the key points you can use while preparing a risk assessment for a façade cleaning operation. you can download the editable format just by clicking the download link at the end of the post:
Hazards Identified-Wind Speed
Control Measures
- Pre-checking with a local weather station, Airport on the wind forecast/weather forecast for the day/week, etc.
- Wind speed is to be monitored with a calibrated wind anemometer throughout the working day.
- Visual inspection of the weather condition.
- Physical monitoring by meter system of weather conditions/wind/temperature/humidity etc.
- Specify parameters to ensure that the task can be safely performed. Include this topic in the toolbox talk session to inform the workforce.
- Stop the work in case of adverse weather conditions. (E.g., rain, wind speed more than 20 km/hr-sand storm, etc.)
- Specify and furnish PPE to the workforce. Ensure the usage and maintenance of them.
- The rope access person will descend using glass suckers under the supervision of IRATA level 03 supervisors.
- Rope access technicians monitor wind speed by visual inspection of a monitor loose hanging rope movement to determine wind speed while on the rope.
- Monitor water movement on the glass to determine wind speed.
Hazards Identified-Working at Height
Control Measures
- Make sure working at height is properly planned, supervised, and carried out by competent people with the skills. Check out the height of the building.
- Knowledge and experience to do the job must use the right type of equipment for working at height.
- Make sure employees can get safely to and from where they work at height.
- Make sure equipment is suitable good and strong enough for the job maintained and checked regularly.
- Take precautions when working on or near a fragile surface
- Protect falling objects.
- Consider emergency evacuation and rescue procedures.
- Make sure don’t overload or overreach when working at height.
- Check that the place where work at height is to be undertaken is safe. Each place where people will work at height needs to be checked every time before use.
- Plan for emergencies and rescue, eg- agree on a set procedure for evacuation and make sure employees know the emergency procedure.
Hazards Identified-Moving of Rope Access Equipment/ Manual Handling
Control Measures
- ARIIFM Manual handling training
- Where practical use of the building lift system to allow access to the upper floor for access to the stairwell to the roof.
- Possibility to eliminate the need for manual handling.
- A maximum of 25 kg will be allowed to be carried by one person. This is only related to moving rope access equipment
- Manual handling procedure to be developed and communicated to all personnel involved in this task.
- Organize storage with heavy/bulky objects at the lower level.
- Frequently used items stored at easily accessible locations
- Use team handling where necessary.
- Staff to be well trained and competent in moving and handling techniques.
Hazards Identified-Rope Anchor Points.
Control Measures
- Review cleaning area access requirements.
- Review & coordinate rope access anchoring system.
- If the Counterweight system requires needs to be third-party tested and certified.
- Regular monitoring of the anchoring system by IRATA level 3 & ARIIFM safety advisor
- Follow & complete the Cantilever assembly inspection sheet.
- The counterweight of the hanging device should be 450 kg (Minimum 18 steel counterweight) for access one rope access operatives.
- All tools and equipment must be suitable for the work intended and compatible with rope access work.
- Where the employee carries tools and equipment appropriate essential steps shall be taken to
Hazards Identified-Fall from height due to defective, poorly designed, or unchecked access equipment
Control Measures
- Before the project starts IRATA Level 03 supervisor must inspect & certify that all rope access equipment is safe & ready to use, which should be documented and handover to ARIIFM HSE Advisor.
- IRATA Level 03 supervisor must do a daily visual check on all rope access equipment and sign/confirm on the logbook it’s done to be countersigned by the RIIFM operation supervisor.
- Establish and implement permit to work system.
- Perform checks of all rope access equipment and ensure their fitness before commencing the task. Isolate the defective equipment and ensure replacement of the same.
- Ensure that the permanent anchors (if any) are inspected/tested as per the IRATA guidelines.
- Ensure the rope access operators are well-trained for the task to be completed.
- Avoid lone working. Ensure adequate supervision.
Hazards Identified-Communication System.
Control Measures
- Brief the team on the scope of the work for the day and indicate with them the landing position pointing out the obstructions and any area to keep away from putting communication in place.
- Make use of supplied 2-way Radio system.
Hazards Identified-PPE (Personal protective equipment) / Safety Orientations/Training
Control Measures
- Safety Harnesses shall be worn at all times by personnel while working.
- Safety harnesses should be frequently inspected by level 03 supervisors.
- Safety helmets and safety shoes shall be worn at all times.
- Normal cordoning procedure (By others) shall adhere
- The landing area shall be kept clear of all obstructions.
- Toolbox talk shall be conducted on a weekly basis for a brief of the safe working at height.
- A First Aid Box/kit should be available on the site for emergency purposes/First aider should be available on the site.
Hazards Identified-Hot Weather (Risk of suspension intolerance, dehydration, dizziness, etc...)
Control Measures
- Develop and establish an emergency rescue procedure before commencing the task.
- Arrange drinking water. / Summer hydration fluids to be provided to operatives (2.5 liters of water supply per day per person) with breaks.
- Provide light-colored clothing.
- Specify the timings for the break in between the task and act accordingly. The provision of a shaded area (rest area) is also to be looked into.
- Advise staff about the basic symptoms of suspension intolerance in themselves and others and to notify immediately to the team leader if such a case persists.
- Comply with first aid requirements.
- The team leader/supervisor must closely monitor/supervise the activities.
Hazards Identified-Falling Objects (personal belongings, cleaning equipment, etc..)
Control Measures
- Perform normal body checks for all members of the workforce. Do not allow carrying personal belongings during work.
- Attach all the cleaning accessories to the rope to protect against accidental falls.
Hazards Identified-Sharp Edges
Control Measures
- Ensure edge protection is in place to prevent exposure and damage to rope and any other personal injury to the workforce.
Hazards Identified-Traffic Hazard (Unauthorized Access)
Control Measures
- Work area to be barricaded and kept clear of vehicles and unauthorized persons. Adequate signage to warn all personnel around the work
- Warning signs and posters should be displayed and barriers erected to prevent access to areas where people could fall.
Hazards Identified-Fit-out of the Rope access technician.
Control Measures
- Physical/visual check that all the required equipment is in place on the RIIFM level 01 technician.
- Fluid drinks to prevent dehydration
Hazards Identified-Electrical Hazards
Control Measures
- Only trained and competent electricians should install, modify and/or repair the electrics. Isolation of Electric supply, the procedure to be followed, and the procedure should be managed by an authorized competent person that has a competency certificate.
- Electrical inspections and PAT are to be carried out by a pre-assigned competent Electrician.
- Usage of 110V portable power tools and equipment where ever possible.
- PPE should consist of Shock resistant gloves and footwear.
- Periodic Checkups for all electrical equipment should be done by a competent Electrician.
- Electrical Apparatus and cables should be Protected against overload by fuses and/or circuit breakers Sufficient sockets to minimize the need for trailing cable.
Hazards Identified-Exclusion Zone
Control Measures
- Protect below the area of rope access operation and to protect against an unauthorized person entering the work area.
- The area should be barricaded with proper safety signage
- Warning signs must be used across the area to alert employees or others when they are approaching the high-risk areas (Exclusion zone)
- The proper handover should be followed up,
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