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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Method Statement for Tiling Works

Method Statement for Tiling Works


Ensure that the installation and erection of doors and related activities are executed safely and following the contract requirements and that all quality assurance/control tasks are carried out methodically, works are observed and conformance is verified and recorded.


This procedure applies to the following works associated with Ceramic Tiles & External cladding (Porcelain Tiles)


  • CONTRACTOR   Project   Manager shall be responsible for the overall implementation of this procedure.
  • CONTRACTOR Site Engineer / Site Supervisor / Surveyor/ Foreman shall ensure that plastering works are carried out as per specifications, drawings, and method statements.
  • CONTRACTOR Quality Assurance /Quality Control Engineer along with QC Engineer shall ensure that works are carried out as per the project’s requirements. He is responsible for the implementation of related QA/QC works as detailed in the Quality procedure and Quality plan for plastering works. He shall also coordinate with the worksite laboratory for testing of material/substances related to plasterwork activities.
  • CONTRACTOR    HSE    Officer along with safety officer shall ensure implementation of all safety Procedure, safety measures related to the nature of works being carried out and following the HSE Plan. 


The Personal equipment, devices and machinery involved in Acoustic works are listed below:

  • Tile Cutters
  • Slow speed drill
  • Hand tools


A. Hazards and Control Measures

Dust: Dust entering eyes and breathing system.

Control Measure: Use PPE- Mask, Goggles.

B. Housekeeping: Unauthorized movement of persons. Bad housekeeping.

Control Measure: Barricade area. Warning signs.  Toolbox talk.

C. Scaffolding: Defective scaffolding.

Control Measure: Use Approved Materials. Use experienced scaffolders and check it regularly.


6.1 General

  • Submittals, Fabrication and manufacture, Product delivery, storage, materials shall be as
  • SOR item’s description and FME recommendations.
  • Necessary    Work    Permit    and    materials    approvals    shall    be    secured    from
  • MANAGER/COMPANY. All necessary precautions shall be complied with.
  • Before any application, final inspection for surface preparation of substrate shall be made.

6.2 Installation

6.2.1 Wall Tiling (Ceramic)-Internal walls

  • Back up plastering shall be done all following method statement Ref. 1
  • The cladding shall be carried out after the completion of the curing period. 
  • Tiles shall be soaked in clean water for 6 hours or until saturated, then allowed to drain before fixing.
  • Nitotile GP from m/s Fosroc (approved material) shall be used as ceramic tile adhesive.
  • Mixing and application of Nitotile GP shall be as follows
  • 20kg of Nitotile GP shall be mixed with 4.8 to 5.2 litres of water with a slow speed drill.
  • The mixed adhesive shall be applied over the substrate to a thickness of 3mm up to 1 sqm at a time.
  • The layout of the tiles shall be done as per the approved layout.
  • Tiles shall be laid on the bedding and tamped firmly into position with a wooden beater to form a true surface
  • PVC spacers (2mm) and another spacer for movement joints as per shop drawings shall be used to maintain the width of the joints and joints shall be continuous vertically continuing with floor tiles.
  • All internal angles shall be done as per approved layout.
  • Ceramic tile finish on walls shall be up to 1 tile above ceiling level unless otherwise mentioned
  • After setting, the tiles shall be sounded with rubber mallets and hollow-sounding tiles shall be replaced to obtain a full bond.
  • Movement joints shall be provided as recommended by the tile manufacturer or as mentioned in the approved shop drawings.
  • Movement joints shall be carried through to the depth of tiles and bedding, partially filled with filling strip and finished flush with an approved sealant of colour matching with surrounding tiles.
  • Grouting of the joints shall be carried out after a minimum curing period of 24 hours of the completion of the laying of the tiles but not later than 72 hours.
  • Nitotile grout or germproof grout shall be applied to the joint’s spaces between the tiles. 
  • Mixing of Nitotile grout shall be as follows
  • 10 kg of Nitotile GP shall be mixed with 3.3 litres of water with a slow speed drill.
  • The mixed grout shall be applied to the spaces between the tiles using a sponge or a small piece of a soft cloth.
  • Excess grout shall be removed and tiles shall be cleaned with a damp sponge.

6.3 Floor Tiling

  • The areas of the concrete substrate to be tiled shall be cleaned from dust, debris, and projections and wetted with water before installation. Any surface water shall be removed.
  • The mortar for bedding the tiles shall be CM 1:4 all following the SOR Item’s description.
  • Tiles shall be soaked in clean water for 6 hours or until saturated, then allowed to drain before fixing.
  • Semi-dry cement and sand (1:4) mortar shall be laid not less than 25mm thick over the screed and levelled with straight edges for areas except wet areas.
  • Cement slurry shall be spread over the mortar bed and tiles shall be grouted with cement paste.
  • The layout of tiles shall be done as per the approved shop drawing and coordinated with MEP services.
  • In wet areas, Nitotile GP from m/s Fosroc shall be used as ceramic tile adhesive.
  • Mixing and application of Nitotile GP shall be as follows
  • 20kg of Nitotile GP shall be mixed with 4.8 to 5.2 litres of water with a slow speed drill. The mixed adhesive shall be applied over the protection screed to a thickness of 3mm
  • up to 1 sqm at a time.
  • Tiles shall be laid on the bedding and tamped firmly into position with a wooden beater to form a true surface. 
  • PVC spacers (2mm) and another spacer for movement joints as per shop drawings shall be used to maintain the width of the joints and joints shall be continuous both horizontally and vertically.
  • Movement joints shall be provided as recommended by the tile manufacturer or as mentioned in the approved layout.
  • Movement joints shall be carried through to the depth of tiles and bedding, partially filled with filling strip and finished flush with an approved sealant of colour matching with surrounding tiles
  • Skirting tiles shall be installed coinciding the joints with the floor.
  • All floor finishes for areas with floor traps/gulley’s/trenches shall be made to slope towards them, not less than 1:100.
  • Grouting of the joints shall be carried out after a minimum curing period of 24 hours of the completion of the laying of the tiles but not later than 72 hours.
  • Nitotile grout shall be applied to the joints between the tiles.
  • Mixing of Nitotile grout shall be as follows
  • 10 kg of Nitotile GP shall be mixed with 3.3 litres of water with a slow speed drill.
  • The mixed grout shall be applied to the spaces between the tiles using a sponge or a small piece of a soft cloth.
  • Excess grout shall be removed and tiles shall be cleaned with a damp sponge.
  • No traffic shall be allowed on the floor until 4 days after completion.

6.4 Wall Tiling (Porcelain)-External walls

  • Back up plastering shall be done all following method statement Ref. 1.
  • The cladding shall be carried out after the completion of the curing period.
  • Tiles shall be soaked in clean water for 6 hours or until saturated, then allowed to drain before fixing.
  • LATICRETE4237 shall be used as porcelain tile adhesive. 
  • Mixing and application of Nitotile GP shall be as follows
  • 4 lit of LATICRETE4237 shall be mixed with 16 kg of LATICRETE211 fill powder to a smooth trowel able consistency.
  • The mixed adhesive shall be applied over the substrate to a thickness of 3mm up to 1-2 sqm at a time.
  • The layout of the tiles shall be done as per the approved shop drawing.
  • Tiles shall be laid on the bedding and tamped firmly into position with a wooden beater to form a true surface
  • PVC spacers (2mm) and another spacer for movement joints as per shop drawings shall be used to maintain the width of the joints and joints shall be continuous vertically continuing with floor tiles.
  • Tiles around corners, fitments, fixtures, drains and other built-in objects shall be of the same colour with adjacent tiles.
  • After setting the tiles shall be sounded with rubber mallets and hollow-sounding tiles shall be replaced to obtain the full bond.
  • Movement joints shall be provided as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Movement joints shall be carried through to the depth of tiles and bedding, partially filled with filling strip and finished flush with a sealant of colour matching with surrounding tiles
  • Grouting of the joints shall be carried out after a minimum curing period of 24 hours of the completion of the laying of the tiles but not later than 72 hours.
  • LATAPOXY SP-100 grout shall be applied to the spaces between the tiles.
  • Mixing and application of LATAPOXY SP-100 shall be as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Excess grout shall be removed and tiles shall be cleaned with a damp sponge.
  • Tiles shall be laid on the bedding and tamped firmly into position with a wooden beater to form a true surface
  • PVC spacers (2mm) and another spacer for movement joints as per shop drawings shall be used to maintain the width of the joints and joints shall be continuous vertically continuing with floor tiles.
  • All internal angles shall be done as per approved layout.
  • Ceramic tile finish on walls shall be up to 1 tile above ceiling level unless otherwise mentioned
  • After setting, the tiles shall be sounded with rubber mallets and hollow-sounding tiles shall be replaced to obtain the full bond.
  • Movement joints shall be provided as recommended by the tile manufacturer or as mentioned in the approved shop drawings.
  • Movement joints shall be carried through to the depth of tiles and bedding, partially filled with filling strip and finished flush with an approved sealant of colour matching with surrounding tiles.
  • Grouting of the joints shall be carried out after a minimum curing period of 24 hours of the completion of the laying of the tiles but not later than 72 hours.
  • Nitotile grout or germproof grout shall be applied to the joint’s spaces between the tiles. 
  • Mixing of Nitotile grout shall be as follows
  • 10 kg of Nitotile GP shall be mixed with 3.3 litres of water with a slow speed drill.
  • The mixed grout shall be applied to the spaces between the tiles using a sponge or a small piece of a soft cloth.
  • Excess grout shall be removed and tiles shall be cleaned with a damp sponge.
6.5 Floor Tiling

  • The areas of the concrete substrate to be tiled shall be cleaned from dust, debris, and projections and wetted with water before installation. Any surface water shall be removed.
  • The mortar for bedding the tiles shall be CM 1:4 all following the SOR Item’s description.
  • Tiles shall be soaked in clean water for 6 hours or until saturated, then allowed to drain before fixing.
  • Semi-dry cement and sand (1:4) mortar shall be laid not less than 25mm thick over the screed and levelled with straight edges for areas except wet areas.
  • Cement slurry shall be spread over the mortar bed and tiles shall be grouted with cement paste.
  • The layout of tiles shall be done as per the approved shop drawing and coordinated with MEP services.
  • In wet areas, Nitotile GP from m/s Fosroc shall be used as ceramic tile adhesive.
  • Mixing and application of Nitotile GP shall be as follows
  • 20kg of Nitotile GP shall be mixed with 4.8 to 5.2 litres of water with a slow speed drill. The mixed adhesive shall be applied over the protection screed to a thickness of 3mm up to 1 sqm at a time.
  • Tiles shall be laid on the bedding and tamped firmly into position with a wooden beater to form a true surface. 
  • PVC spacers (2mm) and another spacer for movement joints as per shop drawings shall be used to maintain the width of the joints and joints shall be continuous both horizontally and vertically.
  • Movement joints shall be provided as recommended by the tile manufacturer or as mentioned in the approved layout.
  • Movement joints shall be carried through to the depth of tiles and bedding, partially filled with filling strip and finished flush with an approved sealant of colour matching with surrounding tiles
  • Skirting tiles shall be installed coinciding the joints with the floor.
  • All floor finishes for areas with floor traps/gulley’s/trenches shall be made to slope towards them, not less than 1:100.
  • Grouting of the joints shall be carried out after a minimum curing period of 24 hours of the completion of the laying of the tiles but not later than 72 hours.
  • Nitotile grout shall be applied to the joints between the tiles.
  • Mixing of Nitotile grout shall be as follows
  • 10 kg of Nitotile GP shall be mixed with 3.3 litres of water with a slow speed drill.
  • The mixed grout shall be applied to the spaces between the tiles using a sponge or a small piece of a soft cloth.
  • Excess grout shall be removed and tiles shall be cleaned with a damp sponge.
  • No traffic shall be allowed on the floor until 4 days after completion.

6.6 Wall Tiling (Porcelain)-External walls

  • Back up plastering shall be done all following method statement Ref. 1.
  • The cladding shall be carried out after the completion of the curing period.
  • Tiles shall be soaked in clean water for 6 hours or until saturated, then allowed to drain before fixing.
  • LATICRETE4237 shall be used as porcelain tile adhesive. 
  • Mixing and application of Nitotile GP shall be as follows
  • 4 liter of LATICRETE4237 shall be mixed with 16 kg of LATICRETE211 fill powder to a smooth trowel able consistency.
  • The mixed adhesive shall be applied over the substrate to a thickness of 3mm up to 1-2 sqm at a time.
  • The layout of the tiles shall be done as per the approved shop drawing.
  • Tiles shall be laid on the bedding and tamped firmly into position with a wooden beater to form a true surface
  • PVC spacers (2mm) and another spacer for movement joints as per shop drawings shall be used to maintain the width of the joints and joints shall be continuous vertically continuing with floor tiles.
  • Tiles around corners, fitments, fixtures, drains and other built-in objects shall be of the same colour with adjacent tiles.
  • After setting the tiles shall be sounded with rubber mallets and hollow-sounding tiles shall be replaced to obtain the full bond.
  • Movement joints shall be provided as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Movement joints shall be carried through to the depth of tiles and bedding, partially filled with filling strip and finished flush with a sealant of colour matching with surrounding tiles
  • Grouting of the joints shall be carried out after a minimum curing period of 24 hours of the completion of the laying of the tiles but not later than 72 hours.
  • LATAPOXY SP-100 grout shall be applied to the spaces between the tiles.
  • Mixing and application of LATAPOXY SP-100 shall be as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Excess grout shall be removed and tiles shall be cleaned with a damp sponge.

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Method Statement for Tiling Works 

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