
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Employee Temperature Monitoring Log

COVID-19 Employee's Site Temperature Monitoring Log

Company/Organization’s employee temperature and symptom monitoring program is for the safety of its staff. All employees are required to take their temperature and attest to no symptoms within the first 10 minutes of their shift. Employees are accountable for monitoring symptoms throughout the day and reporting to their responsible supervisor and Occupational Health (OH) if symptoms present. Please familiarize yourself with the documents and policies attached

 Employees Required to:

  1. All employees are needed to have their temperature taken before starting their shift.
  2. The screener should document employees with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher utilizing this COVID-19 Log form.
  3. An employee with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher should be sent home, keep stay home and they should notify their Project Engineer/supervisor that they will not be working.
  4. Identify a location for your team to do this.
  5. All departments must use the SAME daily monitoring tool/screening log.

Download File
Employee Temperature Monitoring Log

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