Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Hazardous Substances–Emergency Procedures Checklist

The following questions will be added in the checklist to prepare and use the hazardous substance Emergency Procedures Checklist mechanism:

  1. Is there a written emergency plan available and in place?
  2. Are there general procedures for all staff (e.g. procedures for fire drills and? evacuation of premises?)
  3. Are there regular evacuation drills (at least once every 12 months)?
  4. Where hazardous substances are used, are there written procedures for dealing with incidents involving spills/releases?
  5. Where hazardous substances are used, are there written procedures for dealing with incidents involving injuries or over-exposures to workers and/or others (e.g.: bystanders)?
  6. Where hazardous substances are used, are there written procedures for dealing with incidents involving injuries or over-exposures to workers and/or others (eg: bystanders)?
  7. Is specific equipment available for dealing with the hazards of emergency response action?
  8. Are workers who are involved in any emergency response team trained to deal with the incident?
  9. Is an appropriate reporting system available for recording near misses, incidents, accidents and emergencies?
  10. Is the emergency plan subject to regular review?

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